Thought he was supposed to run under SDP. Anyway he's the same guy whom MINDEF filed harassment protection against. That's why he have to stop talking about his patents.
Netizen Pamela Lim's post:
A Disturbing Video
I don't normally like to share videos of any rally of any party. But this one is special because this video disturbs me so much. I first know Dr Ting Choon Meng in 2010. He was invited as a speaker to my entrepreneurship class, and in that presentation, he used powerpoint slides.
I recall his first slide vividly. He showed a photograph of LKY. You know, the one where he was seated at NDP and everyone else had a pair of binoculars except for Mr LKY. I remember Dr Ting told us that that is the epitome of VISION. A man with vision.
He inspired my entrepreneurs-in-waiting students and told them how important it was to have visions, and how one man's vision can change the lives of so many. Even during those times when it was more sexy to disparage the government, I was happy to hear some complements of our own government.
Just five years on, he stands to speak for an opposition party rally. What has changed? I think, he did not change, but his perspectives has. He has witnessed more in our society, to know he needed to send a message to us urgently.
While I know he has put this incident behind him, Singaporeans must know and remember him as the doctor who sued Mindef for using his patent without a license. As with anyone who dare challenge, the outcome was pretty expected. His IPR, though was filed in twelve or thirteen countries, was revoked only in Singapore. The same patent rights were kept in tact in other countries which saw his patent valid.
Mindef later used the Protection from Harassment Act against him. Just last month, after having taken away his years of research through his patents in Singapore, the company was asked to pay more than $500K. So today, I found out he is closing down the company. Another local SME built on great innovations has disappeared.
I'm not sure about you. But as someone who has spent years of my life trying to build entrepreneurship in Singapore, this is sad. If you were him, what would do?
Here's his lesson for all of us: We need not be bitter, we need not curse and die. We just keep doing what is right, we just keep being upright.
If you don't know, Dr Ting is an unnamed philanthropist. He donated money to schools and gave out scholarships at different levels. He sits on multiple government boards and continues to help in the innovation scene in Singapore. He takes time off his busy schedule and sits with university students to hear out their business ideas and shares his wonderful expertise.
He understands that it is important to continue to grow our country. To attract and nurture entrepreneurs so that we can create good jobs, build a vibrant economy. He knows we must teach our next generation about innovation and keep guiding them along.
Sure. He is not bitter about it. But I wonder why there is ever a need to drive someone to a wall, (走投无路) a need to turn against a man so fervent for the country and its young people.
I am so thankful he continues to love Singapore, and continues to contribute in every way. If it were somebody else, Singapore would have lost a great son.
So why is it so disturbing? Because a government is supposed to win the trust of its people, not turn him another way. It is supposed to protect us, not seek protection from us. It is supposed to promote entrepreneurship and guard our intellectual property, not demand from companies till they bankrupt.
Here's his speech.