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Serious METRO Close Shop at Centrepoint!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Metro belongs to the past. With Metro gone, Centerpoint can make itself great again!


Decathlon taking a big gamble to open at Orchard Rd. I don't expect them to last more than 2 years.

Centrepoint is f#&*ked.....no interesting shops at all. They've gone downhill all the way since Robinson's left


Before Centrepoint that area was happening in the 60s & 70s..Koek Road, Gluttons Square, Orchard AMF Bowl, Salad Bowl, Cold Storage, Pavillion Cinema & Magnolia Bar.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Before Centrepoint that area was happening in the 60s & 70s..Koek Road, Gluttons Square, Orchard AMF Bowl, Salad Bowl, Cold Storage, Pavillion Cinema & Magnolia Bar.

Back in the day even Parkway Parade, Beauty World Centre were happening and hip places.


SingaporeNew Decathlon outlet to be anchor tenant at The Centrepoint
The Decathlon store at Bedok. (Photo: Facebook/Decathlon)
28 Aug 2019 01:00PM (Updated: 28 Aug 2019 06:56PM)
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SINGAPORE: Sporting goods retailer Decathlon will open a new store at The Centrepoint next year, the mall's owner announced in a media release on Tuesday (Aug 27).

Frasers Property Singapore said Decathlon will be the new anchor tenant of the Orchard Road shopping centre. The outlet is expected to open in the first half of 2020.
This follows news that department store Metro, the current anchor tenant at The Centrepoint, will not be renewing its lease when it expires next month.


inRead invented by Teads


The new Decathlon store, according to Frasers Property Singapore, will cater to tech-savvy customers with its range of "immersive and activity-based" features and concepts.
For example, customers would be able to try out products in an environment that simulates real-life conditions with virtual simulations and augmented reality.
“This (concept) adds to the experience for shoppers, who are encouraged to test the products at the store before having the option to buy it online," said Frasers Property Singapore.
Associate Professor Ang Swee Hoon from the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Department of Marketing said that Decathlon as anchor tenant could mean that Centrepoint wants to position itself as a sports lifestyle mall.


"This is a unique sweet spot that other malls have not occupied," she said, adding that Centrepoint is likely to prefer tenants that are related to healthy living.
The move could also help Centrepoint draw tenants that appeal to younger shoppers, and those with a more active lifestyle, said NUS Assoc Prof Leonard Lee.
"Centrepoint could consider bringing in more tenants with activity-based service offerings other than those focusing on the sale of tangible products," Dr Lee added.
Managing director of Decathlon Singapore Nils Swolkien said that the store will also organise regular and active events such as Zumba and yoga classes.
Mr Swolkien added that Decathlon will also collaborate with sports agencies, academies and experts to hold regular sports demonstrations and talks within the mall.
In the media release, Frasers Property Singapore said that Decathlon will also open a new click-and-collect store at Waterway Point. Here, customers can collect their purchases two hours after ordering them online.
Decathlon opened its first store in Singapore in 2016 at Viva Business Park in Bedok; it now has six outlets across the island.
Earlier this year, it opened its biggest store in Singapore at Kallang.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/decathlon-open-centrepoint-orchard-road-2020-11848256


Curious what is decathlon business case for orchard outlet.... Why would people go centre point to buy entry level sports stuff?


SingaporeNew Decathlon outlet to be anchor tenant at The Centrepoint
The Decathlon store at Bedok. (Photo: Facebook/Decathlon)
28 Aug 2019 01:00PM (Updated: 28 Aug 2019 06:56PM)
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SINGAPORE: Sporting goods retailer Decathlon will open a new store at The Centrepoint next year, the mall's owner announced in a media release on Tuesday (Aug 27).

Frasers Property Singapore said Decathlon will be the new anchor tenant of the Orchard Road shopping centre. The outlet is expected to open in the first half of 2020.
This follows news that department store Metro, the current anchor tenant at The Centrepoint, will not be renewing its lease when it expires next month.


inRead invented by Teads


The new Decathlon store, according to Frasers Property Singapore, will cater to tech-savvy customers with its range of "immersive and activity-based" features and concepts.
For example, customers would be able to try out products in an environment that simulates real-life conditions with virtual simulations and augmented reality.
“This (concept) adds to the experience for shoppers, who are encouraged to test the products at the store before having the option to buy it online," said Frasers Property Singapore.
Associate Professor Ang Swee Hoon from the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Department of Marketing said that Decathlon as anchor tenant could mean that Centrepoint wants to position itself as a sports lifestyle mall.


"This is a unique sweet spot that other malls have not occupied," she said, adding that Centrepoint is likely to prefer tenants that are related to healthy living.
The move could also help Centrepoint draw tenants that appeal to younger shoppers, and those with a more active lifestyle, said NUS Assoc Prof Leonard Lee.
"Centrepoint could consider bringing in more tenants with activity-based service offerings other than those focusing on the sale of tangible products," Dr Lee added.
Managing director of Decathlon Singapore Nils Swolkien said that the store will also organise regular and active events such as Zumba and yoga classes.
Mr Swolkien added that Decathlon will also collaborate with sports agencies, academies and experts to hold regular sports demonstrations and talks within the mall.
In the media release, Frasers Property Singapore said that Decathlon will also open a new click-and-collect store at Waterway Point. Here, customers can collect their purchases two hours after ordering them online.
Decathlon opened its first store in Singapore in 2016 at Viva Business Park in Bedok; it now has six outlets across the island.
Earlier this year, it opened its biggest store in Singapore at Kallang.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/decathlon-open-centrepoint-orchard-road-2020-11848256

So fast found another sucker for the rent.


Associate Professor Ang Swee Hoon from the National University of Singapore's (NUS) Department of Marketing said that Decathlon as anchor tenant could mean that Centrepoint wants to position itself as a sports lifestyle mall.

"This is a unique sweet spot that other malls have not occupied," she said, adding that Centrepoint is likely to prefer tenants that are related to healthy living.

Talk cock is free. Health mall means they will clear all the fast food and junk food within to make way for salad and other health shit? Have some health center to cater for juagen and yoni massage also. I can open a broomstick shop for rotten cunts who need to be fucked hard.