The amount of ignorance amongst men regarding the Marriage Legal Contract which they signed upon marriage is really appalling.
First, take out the question mark and put in a period. "Men always lose out in a divorce." Period. End of discussion. Why? Read your contract.
Second, marriage and children in a fully committed and exclusive marriage is truly a blessing. If you are married, do all you can to protect and cherished it. If that means forgoing geylang, then do so. Because your marriage is far more important. It also goes for women who compare their husbands to their colleagues. Or the size of their groundnut, walnut, hazelnut.
Third, if you are not yet married, then read the contract in full detail. Ask for every term to be explained to you. If you agree to those terms, then get married.
Finally, please men - your ignorance are really appalling. It is all there in the Women's Charter. No one cheated you of your rights. It is just that no one tells you beforehand what the terms are. Therefore it is for you to find out. The Women's Charter is available online.