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Memory Lane: Beach Road NCO Club & Katong SinPoPo

Byebye Penis

NCO CLUB at Beach Road
Used to be a happening place, not just a place to pick up sluts dancing fast songs but also quite popular among the local gay community back then.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Used to be a happening place, not just a place to pick up sluts dancing fast songs but also quite popular among the local gay community back then.

What happens after they got picked up? Do they go to the nearby cheap hotels or the war memorial park to fuck?

Byebye Penis

What happens after they got picked up? Do they go to the nearby cheap hotels or the war memorial park to fuck?
married men told their wives that they go there for meetings (with mistresses).
some there for the (unlimited) duty free beer, cheapest in town area, and gamble on snooker games.

some even brought along their own sisters to peddle to their superiors during tea parties.


Alfrescian (Inf)
married men told their wives that they go there for meetings (with mistresses).
some there for the (unlimited) duty free beer, cheapest in town area, and gamble on snooker games.

some even brought along their own sisters to peddle to their superiors during tea parties.

NCO sounds like an abbreviation for Naughty Cheaters Orgy. NCO Club indeed. :biggrin:


My uncle leemember got 1 camp next to nco club.
Doing guard duty there was a privilege as can stand there see chiobus compared to guard duty in a ulu camp.

Byebye Penis

NCO sounds like an abbreviation for Naughty Cheaters Orgy. NCO Club indeed. :biggrin:
in the end, too much smoking and drink-driving accidents (killing others) as police dared not check cars coming out from there, and eventually became a popular gay spot.........the place revamped.

Byebye Penis

My uncle leemember got 1 camp next to nco club.
Doing guard duty there was a privilege as can stand there see chiobus compared to guard duty in a ulu camp.
That was just after UK-era right? was it called beach road camp? Beach Road Camp had one of the best camp mess back then, great christmas parties manned by local WWII war heroes.


Used to be a happening place, not just a place to pick up sluts dancing fast songs but also quite popular among the local gay community back then.

Confirmed a great memorlee lane for my uncle.
My uncle onlee been to the club 2x.
Once with a mindef nusaf chiobu.
2nd time was a pleasant shocked when a chiobu held my uncle's hand without giving any prior signals and my uncle just felt verlee proud walking out of the entrance :wink:
Need a soon par here of dying a terrible death if untrue KNN

@musclepower shohld be 100% convinced that my uncle was 1 class below edison chen and not smoking weed :biggrin: KNN

Byebye Penis

SINPOPO at Katong Road
I was first drawn to it by its catchy name. In fact, I used to past by it a few times when I was a little boy and marveled by the trishaw on their signboard.

If I remember correctly, we could find charming and milfy locals and Malaysians in the 90s and early 2000s. Nice, warm, just like a good wife, most of these hostess, speaks my local mandarin and dialect, could heart-to-heart talk. I bet quite a few got married.


Byebye Penis


Singapore's last Chinese hostess bar: Sin Po Po Bar​


Where do lounge hostesses go when the bloom of youth is gone? Where can they turn when cheeks become a little hollow and laugh lines appear, and customers drift away in search of younger companions?

They might come to where I am now: Sin Po Po Bar (新宝宝高级半夜酒廊).

Here, in this windowless space, it is dark, darker than any cinema. That makes it harder to see the skin that sags, the bodies grown less firm. Sin Po Po is a forgiving place.

Four or five women, painted and primped, are scattered around the booths, their faces lit by mobile phones, reading glasses perched on heavily powdered noses.

They wait for customers that might never come. Because their clients, like them, are ageing out of the game.

Byebye Penis

A woman I call Mary is the owner. She used to be a hostess here, but a few months ago, she bought it over. She and Peter talk about why they want to keep this place going, here in the gentrifying Tanjong Katong area, its car workshops and coffee shops being taken over by wine bars and pizza parlours.

"It is because of them," says the woman in her late 40s with dark hair that falls to her waist. She looks at the hostesses and the small number of men that have come in, most of them in their 50s or older.

Making the monthly rent is a struggle. But as long as the hostesses need a place to work, she will keep the place going.

But work these days, serving men old enough to be grandfathers, is more about being there to listen. Sin Po Po is a refuge in a Singapore that has little time for seniors


Byebye Penis



紅燈將滅 酒也醒
