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Meanwhile over in KL, Müds are having a huge orgasm


Old Fart
The PAP government has been successful in suppressing the real religious emotion of malays, you are assure of your safety in sinkieland as long as you don't wear it in more peaceful malaysia.
I am sure you are right. But then again I didn't want to risk it. Sinkies müds can siow siow be triggered, and ram me with their motosikal or hit me with their guitar.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Those thieving arabs, disgusting people! She also brought back some hummus, spices, dried dates, chocolate. But on the whole, they found kosher food unpalatable.
I was told their passports were not stamped by the Israeli authorities. Very thoughtful of them.

Did you buy any IDF t-shirts? I am sure they were everywhere.

I bought some Jerusalem t-shirts that reflected past Jewish and Christian heritage.

Fish and chips at the Sea of Galilee was very nice. I like the hummus too.

If your friends didn't like kosher food, I'm guessing that they prefer sinkie food like economy rice.


Old Fart
I bought some Jerusalem t-shirts that reflected past Jewish and Christian heritage.

Fish and chips at the Sea of Galilee was very nice. I like the hummus too.

If your friends didn't like kosher food, I'm guessing that they prefer sinkie food like economy rice.
Those are safe t-shirts to buy and wear.

Yeah, they need pork lard in their food lah.


I am sure you are right. But then again I didn't want to risk it. Sinkies müds can siow siow be triggered, and ram me with their motosikal or hit me with their guitar.

Keep calm ALWAYS. Know your enemy, know yourself, a thousand battles fought, a thousand won, so said an intelligent Human centuries ago & proven even today.

Majority of Humankind SURVIVED until today, thru just one basic GOLDEN PRINCIPLE OF LIFE - Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.
Such was how our Humanity Civilization began, from barbaric, jungle & cavemen rules of survival.

There is NO smoke without fire. Isn't it better if you are caught in a moral & difficult situation, to just calm down in your case study, stop the vehicle & seek to discuss & find solutions to perceived errors, mis-judgements or personal animosities?

At the worse, Singapore is a RULE OF LAW Civilization, thanks the efforts of our Founding & fathers from ALL ethnic groups to make our Multi-Cultural Nation strong & great, there's ALWAYS a phone number to call for assistance - 999, to help if personal efforts failed.

Often, in our busy lives to help contribute to our National Economy & to put food on our table for our loved ones at home, TIME is limited, for such peaceful but necessary endeavours.

Never, ever, let any issue to spoil your day, morning or night. We have only one life to live & it is not forever....



Old Fart
little do they know that if they ever made it to the middle east, they would also be speared and beheaded.

At best 3rd class believers.

Just goes to show how much hate is being sown. Malays already have enough challenges from crooked politicians and disrespect. Why add owning conflicts to the list?
That's what I said too. The arabs have no regard for müds.


Brainless mob, zero ability to think and rationalise. That makes them dangerous, but they are predictable so we know not to go near them.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Majority of Humankind SURVIVED until today, thru just one basic GOLDEN PRINCIPLE OF LIFE - Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.
Such was how our Humanity Civilization began, from barbaric, jungle & cavemen rules of survival.

Not the rule for most turkic central asian countries. They have been looting and raiding others for over 2000 years. There are statues put up to glorify those who make a name for themselves looting and plundering and killing others.


Genghis Khan


Old Fart
Keep calm ALWAYS. Know your enemy, know yourself, a thousand battles fought, a thousand won, so said an intelligent Human centuries ago & proven even today.

Majority of Humankind SURVIVED until today, thru just one basic GOLDEN PRINCIPLE OF LIFE - Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.
Such was how our Humanity Civilization began, from barbaric, jungle & cavemen rules of survival.

There is NO smoke without fire. Isn't it better if you are caught in a moral & difficult situation, to just calm down in your case study, stop the vehicle & seek to discuss & find solutions to perceived errors, mis-judgements or personal animosities?

At the worse, Singapore is a RULE OF LAW Civilization, thanks the efforts of our Founding & fathers from ALL ethnic groups to make our Multi-Cultural Nation strong & great, there's ALWAYS a phone number to call for assistance - 999, to help if personal efforts failed.

Often, in our busy lives to help contribute to our National Economy & to put food on our table for our loved ones at home, TIME is limited, for such peaceful but necessary endeavours.

Never, ever, let any issue to spoil your day, morning or night. We have only one life to live & it is not forever....

Appreciate your words of wisdom. And I agree. As for me, I always try to not provoke others. I am a man of peace and love (sex). :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's what I said too. The arabs have no regard for müds.


Brainless mob, zero ability to think and rationalise. That makes them dangerous, but they are predictable so we know not to go near them.
yalor. they’ll be relegated to camp servant status in a terrorist camp. scooping up poop, cleaning toilets, wrapping and burying the dead, digging trenches, hauling dirt. very much worse than shaking legs in a kampong and playing guitar under a coconut tree.