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[Matland] - 3 S’porean men helplessly beaten up with chairs by muggers in front of JB hotel


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Everyone should be equipped with some basic self defence skills and know something about the art of fighting. You'll never know when it'll come in handy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Foreign talents who not only come to red dot to steal your lunch but also beat you up when you visit their country.
I have been threathened so many times in JB that I have not been there for at least 2 decades.
Malaysians have the most priviledges amongst all foreigners here until the signing of CECA but still ranked above people who collect cardboads for exercise.


These 3 must be foreigners turn pr then Singaporeans, as Singaporeans will not be beaten up woth defence,must be jiuhu kia turn singaporeans


its true cos I hv colleagues ,that jiuhu kia turn sinkies,knn , u will see difference tot they serve NS,all these papigs will assign ad driver or storeman


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Everyone should be equipped with some basic self defence skills and know something about the art of fighting. You'll never know when it'll come in handy.

Fortunately, on top of my past training in hard martial arts, I'm also skilled in the arts of Aikido, a gentleman nippon martial arts. I dare the robbers to try to rob me.


Foreign talents who not only come to red dot to steal your lunch but also beat you up when you visit their country.
I have been threathened so many times in JB that I have not been there for at least 2 decades.
Malaysians have the most priviledges amongst all foreigners here until the signing of CECA but still ranked above people who collect cardboads for exercise.
I have been there at least twice a week for the past decade and nothing happens to me. Where did u go? Petrol station?