The so called master ching hai is a con man. I remembered during the 80's. Ching Hai was very popular in Taiwan and she sell her 'lotus flower' that can brings good luck and a place in heaven and her lotus flower selling like hot cakes. Those man made 'lotus flower' costed a bomb if i am not mistaken. And she also misused the funds she collected from his disciples in Taiwan that supposed to be given to charities, ended up in her own pocket. Police report was made against her in Taiwan, then I dont know about the later news about her. She was gone for quite sometime until recently saw her website. She was suppose to be a nun and out of a sudden, she has 'golden hair'. Must be running out of money and trying to make more money from the naive disciples of hers. Anyone here who is able to find out about her past history and stories about her conning people, pls share it here.