One thing I notice about these huge WP rallies from the Hougang BE is some singaporeans are such devoted fans of the WP that they travel to different parts of the island just to attend rallies,,,so if the rally in Hougang,,the attendees are from somewhere else which have no bearing on the results.
also these attendees from constituencies contested by non wp candidates also KPKB and wish WP was contesting there..
though i find going around the island attending rallies is abit bo liao i have to admit that at least wp have dedicated supporters willing to do that,,,compare with PAP rallies where the PAP has to shuttle 'attendees' from Tanjong Pagar and free lunch etc to attend PAP rallies in other constituencies at tax payer expense hor,,,
So if WP gets big enough and these 3rd rate oppos get eliminated with minimal spoilers,,WP is the party to be reckon with,,,it will succeed PAP..if WP continue to play its cards right,,,