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Massive Jam at Causeway now


I actually cannot believe my eyes.

I saw a Sinkie lady (most likely a Sinkie) wear 2 mask, wear a protector spec on top of her own glasses, then a face screen. This one look like next week getting her 7th shot after the 6th shot didn't kill her.

She was in front of me queueing and keep fanning herself with her fan and the wind kanna me. Dunno got spike protein fan to me or not.

This type also see Tharman will immediately kneel down and bow.

I think confirm is RC member.
Protector specs + fanning with own fan= prc.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I actually cannot believe my eyes.

I saw a Sinkie lady (most likely a Sinkie) wear 2 mask, wear a protector spec on top of her own glasses, then a face screen. This one look like next week getting her 7th shot after the 6th shot didn't kill her.

She was in front of me queueing and keep fanning herself with her fan and the wind kanna me. Dunno got spike protein fan to me or not.

This type also see Tharman will immediately kneel down and bow.

I think confirm is RC member.

It's sheer irony that the ones most kancheong about Covid are usually the fully vaxxed and boosted vaxtards. Also, without them, the hand sanitizer merchants would be very sad indeed. :biggrin: