Thanks hor, he unemployed he comes aust for what? So that taxpayers can support him?
I'm more familiar with Canada & I know many people who have emigrated there & none are on welfare. You have such things like worker rights, unions, minimum pay, .... So if someone has a degree they can get a better job than being on welfare. Even driving a taxi will provide one with $$$.
When Sporeans get their Canadian PR they are working at the level of a Sporean worker i.e. fast pace with a kiasu attitude who want to get on the fast track to a career

. It usually takes a while before they realise that there is more to life than work.
In fact Canadians are penalized if you work too much

It is seen as robbing someone else of a job.
In Alberta if you are 40+ you can even attend the University for free

Many youngsters don't even want to go to University. The can do a 1 to 2 year course at NAIT /SAIT. These are something like polys except that you can do part-time or full-time & the programs are open to all youngsters or mature students.
Had a Canadian friend who had a degree but he overworked himself that he had a mental breakdown. He switched careers by going to one of these polys & today he works for the city of Calgary as some sort of planner.