OYK wishes CDAC Happy Birthday.
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The children read a version of ‘The Three Little Pigs’, then made model houses out of straws, sticks and plasticine. Then came the ‘blow your house down’ test, where teachers aimed a handheld fan at the models, to see if they can remain standing. The one I saw unfortunately collapsed!
This is an example of a pilot play-based programme for preschool children launched this year. We know children learn best through play. So we will see more such classes in the
“A little from all 一人一点心” by CDAC 华社自助理事会 centres next year, targeted at children from more vulnerable families.
Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong officiated the event, where he talked about the contribution of organisations like the CDAC, to enhance social mobility in our society.
CDAC has a small budget - about $30 million or so, mostly contributed by members of the public. So we need to practise ‘四两拨千斤’ (a concept in Tai Chi, that is to overcome a great obstacle using a small force), to optimise our resources to achieve maximum benefits.
We will do so by focussing our resources on education of the young from vulnerable families, and leveraging our partners and volunteers.
Happy 30th birthday CDAC!