Should be. The thing is my uncle think if cannot leeleever just need to be honest I.e should tell patients we are short handed instead of saying no bed becas the beds are there just that they no time to process.
These days, cannot go to private hospital. Even if I can afford it, I rather go to public hospitals to wait. If you are covered by expensive insurance policies, you can opt for class A in public holidays to get your private rooms like staycation (I wouldn't).
After COVID-19, the private hospital doctors very hard-up. Every thing must be treated in the most expensive (and aggressive) way. They can even outsource operations, for example, an orthopedics surgeon only know how to cut your knee, he also try to poach spine customers and outsource the operation to a spine doctor when you are sedated. I can name you a few of such dirty clowns.
Doctors in private practice don't get much further-training to keep abreast with latest medical breakthroughs and options. Many are even too cocky (due to their former SAF background) to ask, if their don't know anything. It's like that. They get very distracted by their own operations, eg clinic's rentals and assistant-on-leave, delivery of supplies (from me). hahaha
In public hospital, a very junior doctor may attend to you first. Most younger doctors are more patient and careful (you will be surprised), they are also prettier. They will not make major judgement calls and leave it to the consultants and seniors. In worst case scenarios, you may even be attended a doctor who graduated from a kuku unpronounceable commonwealth country, but it's ok. He still has to report to a senior, who works with a consultant, senior consultant or professor. Almost all admitted patients are under the care of a specialist who leads a cluster of doctors; got a few people watching your back including ward doctor. Anything that this group of doctor feels that it is beyond their specialization, they rope in another department.
Last but not least, the best medical equipments and doctors (and procters) are in public hospital. Eg. SKH may not have the tok-kong cancer machine or stem-cells therapy, but they can refer you to SGH or NUS respectively. Private hospitals don't have this kind of synergies for serious illness. They will not happily recommend you another good doctor/facility, they rather take commission and recommend you go Thailand or China for stem-cell therapy.
Going to private doctors is like sticking to one mamasan, she may be experienced and serves you directly. Going to public hospitals is like being served by the viet girls, mamasan will still come in and check if you are doing fine. Anything they don't know, their mamasan intervene. If still cannot sexitfy you, got language barrier, she ropes in the PRC girls or PRC mummy.