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Man found dead in Sengkang flat after neighbour alerted police about pungent smell



Man found dead in Sengkang flat after neighbour alerted police about pungent smell​

Man found dead in Sengkang flat after neighbour alerted police about pungent smell
PHOTO: Shin Min Daily News

PUBLISHED ONDecember 07, 2023 5:48 PM

ByClaudia Tan
Concerned about the stench emanating from her neighbour's flat, a Sengkang resident called the police.
When police officers arrived at the unit at Block 443B Fernvale Road on Wednesday (Dec 6) morning, they discovered that a 53-year-old man had died alone in his home.
According to Shin Min Daily news, about six police officers were at the scene.
The unit was also cordoned off.
The man's neighbour, who called the police, said that he moved into the flat about 11 years ago.
"I noticed a stench last week, but I didn't think it came from a decomposing body. I just thought it was odd that I hadn't seen my neighbour in a while."
The man was often in and out of the hospital, she said.
Although social workers visited his flat to deliver food, she didn't think anything was amiss when he did not come out to collect the food.
"The smell got stronger over time. No one answered when I knocked on his door, so I went to report the matter to the town council.
"They told me to contact the police, and that was how I realised he died in his home several days ago."
The woman recalled that two of the man's relatives visited him many years ago. They gave her their contact information but she lost their numbers after changing her mobile phone.
Responding to AsiaOne's queries, the police confirmed that they received a call for assistance at Block 443 Fernvale Road at about 10.35am on Wednesday.
A 53-year-old man was pronounced dead at the scene.
Based on preliminary investigations, the police do not suspect foul play.
Police investigations are ongoing.


Another low Ses Sinkie die liao still create trouble! Some lowly bangla will need to clean up his decayed mess!


Pap needs to do something about this dying alone and decomposing body cases as the nation is aged and more cases will be expected when more sinkies has become singles or divorce or marriage annulled.


Pap needs to do something about this dying alone and decomposing body cases as the nation is aged and more cases will be expected when more sinkies has become singles or divorce or marriage annulled.
the vaccine is supposed to take care of that, to get rid of social liabilities but cheebais like OYK obviously don’t realise many unlike him live alone and die alone