A sail boat (or a balloon) cannot exceed the wind speed as the boat relies on the air molecules hitting the sail from behind for its forward motion. With the propeller vehicle, the speed of the vehicle is not directly a function (depend on) of wind speed alone, but a function of wind speed and frictions in the gears and the wheel axle. The propeller and the wheels are coupled; the propeller turning drives wheels(vehicle) and the wheels turning turns the propeller.
Imagine the vehicle running at the wind speed and the propeller is not turning; friction will slow down the vehicle as there would not be any air molecules hitting the propeller to give it any forward trust. But the propeller is turning driven by the turning wheels; we can conceive of the propeller moving in still air plus the propeller turning giving the vehicle a forward trust pushing the air backwards. It is this forward trust due to the turning propeller that allows the vehicle to go beyond the wind speed. The maximum speed is reached when this thrust is balanced by the total frictional forces.
"E=mc² Is Invalid"
Chan Rasjid Kah Chew,