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Malaysian International Circumcision Conference


Buried penis are largely chink penises which are more the size of a large clitoris.

Anyway the topic of the seminar is dumb. Talk about everything else instead of what is demanded in the Quran and hadiths.
Why should the topic be dumb? It's interesting.

On every judgement day, allah is very busy. He will be busy examining the penis of every male to identify the muslim men from uncut infidels. This seminar brings out how important circumcision is in islam practice, otherwise you will be tagged wrongly.


Our Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs got attend ????

All images

Is he a trained doctor? Even if he is trained docter, I believe he is not welcome.

syed putra

Islam makes irrelevant practices prominent. Thats why the more deep you impose or follow, the worse the result. Just guessing based on available data.


Why should the topic be dumb? It's interesting.

On every judgement day, allah is very busy. He will be busy examining the penis of every male to identify the muslim men from uncut infidels. This seminar brings out how important circumcision is in islam practice, otherwise you will be tagged wrongly.
Unlike the christian god who had to eat, sleep, shit, and rest and out of seven days had to take one day off because he is tired creating the world in six.
In Islam Allah is never tired, sleep and he knows everything all at once as he has no limitations. He is the Absolute.

syed putra

Unlike the christian god who had to eat, sleep, shit, and rest and out of seven days had to take one day off because he is tired creating the world in six.
In Islam Allah is never tired, sleep and he knows everything all at once as he has no limitations. He is the Absolute.
What has islam got to do with Allah?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In Islam Allah is never tired, sleep and he knows everything all at once as he has no limitations. He is the Absolute.

Apparently not. The allah of islam has abrogated his own revelations and permitted muhammad to break his laws when they get in muhammad's way. It's in your own scriptures. Read it.


Apparently not. The allah of islam has abrogated his own revelations and permitted muhammad to break his laws when they get in muhammad's way. It's in your own scriptures. Read it.
The injunction to only marry a maximum of four was passed down after he married four.

At age 60, Allah revealed to him verse preventing him from marrying any more until he died, which was at age 63. The Qur’an says what means: *{It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives.}* (Al-Ahzab 33:52)

Thus Allah allowed him this leeway as He did with the previous prophets and only specifically stopped him at a certain number.

In the bible prophets have many wives but christians are only allowed one. Your prophets break their own laws too?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Thus Allah allowed him this leeway as He did with the previous prophets and only specifically stopped him at a certain number.

So your allah isn't absolute then. As you said, he allowed mahomet leeway despite his 'absolute' revelation. islamic rules can be broken and its not sin if it is mahomet. It is a sin if it is for other moslems.

In the bible prophets have many wives but christians are only allowed one. Your prophets break their own laws too?

Bible prophets, when they break the 10 Commandments and get confronted for their sin, they admit their wrongdoing before God. That's the difference between Christianity and islam.

In islam, the offending moslem will deny that he sin, tell lies if necessary to get out of trouble, or just scream 'blasphemy' and get a moslem crowd to riot and the whole issue gets forgotten in the chaos. Pretty much what you have been doing.

syed putra

A fake Muslim like you will not understand.
I follow not the faith of the malay people for truly, they are misguided. Do not follow blindly and think.if you follow the many, they will lead you astray.
The more the malays implement their religion, the further way they stray from the straight path of justice and equality and righteousness. Hence the corruption, abuse of power, unjust race based policies, high taxation on businesses( you can tax or sell but cannot over tax or sell at exhorbitant price such as non national cars)


Unlike the christian god who had to eat, sleep, shit, and rest and out of seven days had to take one day off because he is tired creating the world in six.
In Islam Allah is never tired, sleep and he knows everything all at once as he has no limitations. He is the Absolute.

Why the almighty and merciful Allah NOT create new born muslims WITHOUT foreskin or clitoris?


So your allah isn't absolute then. As you said, he allowed mahomet leeway despite his 'absolute' revelation. islamic rules can be broken and its not sin if it is mahomet. It is a sin if it is for other moslems.
Which part of the 'the revelation to stop at 4 has not come down' do you not understand?

Bible prophets, when they break the 10 Commandments and get confronted for their sin, they admit their wrongdoing before God. That's the difference between Christianity and islam.
Which prophet in your bible sinned, gets confronted and admit wrongdoing to god?
Chapter and verse.


Why the almighty and merciful Allah NOT create new born muslims WITHOUT foreskin or clitoris?
So that he gives opportunity to man to show his obedience to Him.

He just confirmed Allah is not the same God worshipped by Jews and Christians lah.
It's the same Allah but nothing in the bible that describes Him can be trusted as the whole book has been corrupted, thus the endless contradictions.
It's the bible that's erroneous.