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Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS in Nusa Duta huat big big by playing dirty tricks to damage my house to steal and rob buy my house cheap



Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS in Nusa Duta huat big big by playing dirty tricks to damage my house to steal and rob FROM ME buy my house cheap so proud!​



If my house is not leaking and car porch tiles damaged I no need to sell cheap. So chek ark evil despicable cantonese mistress bitch and her bitch daughter and Teochew gigolo son in law gang up to bully me and steal and rob from me. May this Cantonese MISTRESS and her evil offspring and their descendants be gangraped Pui!



Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS in Nusa Duta huat big big by playing dirty tricks to damage my house to steal and rob FROM ME buy my house cheap so proud!​

This kind of mistress that profit from Singapore car plate Mercedes dao Tao to have free house free renovation free maid and profit from steal and rob other people’s house no one persecute. The world is so unfair indeed.


This kind of mistress that profit from Singapore car plate Mercedes dao Tao to have free house free renovation free maid and profit from steal and rob other people’s house no one persecute. The world is so unfair indeed.
Singapore car plate man that paid for renovation and supervised renovation but don’t stay in the house means the Cantonese evil bitch is 100% MISTRESS applying Malaysian definition on themselves.


Singapore car plate man that paid for renovation and supervised renovation but don’t stay in the house means the Cantonese evil bitch is 100% MISTRESS applying Malaysian definition on themselves.
Oh ya the evil Cantonese bitch got free maid also from her Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao. Well she is not working got maid means what? Paid by dao tao free maid lah. Money don’t grow on trees right?


Oh ya the evil Cantonese bitch got free maid also from her Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao. Well she is not working got maid means what? Paid by dao tao free maid lah. Money don’t grow on trees right?
And two daughters that studied in Australia including the bitch with gigolo husband that viciously bullied me. So free education too paid by Singapore car plate Tao dao. Life is easy and good for this evil Cantonese MISTRESS that play dirty tricks to bully, steal and rob me. Pui


And two daughters that studied in Australia including the bitch with gigolo husband that viciously bullied me. So free education too paid by Singapore car plate Tao dao. Life is easy and good for this evil Cantonese MISTRESS that play dirty tricks to bully, steal and rob me. Pui
@Ralders @ykhuser etc go persecute your own kind Cantonese MISTRESS that profit big big from dao tao


If my house is not leaking and car porch tiles damaged I no need to sell cheap. So chek ark evil despicable cantonese mistress bitch and her bitch daughter and Teochew gigolo son in law gang up to bully me and steal and rob from me. May this Cantonese MISTRESS and her evil offspring and their descendants be gangraped Pui!
作恶多端 阴险狡猾 Cantonese MISTRESS Pui!


Oh ya that reminds me the Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao of the Nusa duta Cantonese MISTRESS looks like a Teochew to me.


Oh ya that reminds me the Singapore car plate Mercedes dao tao of the Nusa duta Cantonese MISTRESS looks like a Teochew to me.
@Pinkieslut looks like the Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS is just another slut with hokkien or Teochew daotao indeed. Just like your Cantonese slut chicken mother Pui!


@Pinkieslut looks like the Nusa Duta Cantonese MISTRESS is just another slut with hokkien or Teochew daotao indeed. Just like your Cantonese slut chicken mother Pui!
Why no Cantonese dao Tao around is it? Make sense look at Cantonese dog son of prostitute @meaninglesslije aka @NanoSpeed got to steal company money to pay Shanghai mistress lunch can tell Liao. Hey @meaninglesslife everything you accused me is what you and your women are: despise the poor YOU and opt for rich and generous hokkien or Teochew dao Tao hahahaha