This episode confirmed my suspicions on conspiracies and lies of which the most atrocious are :
1. A simple creation of "an unprecedented calculation" bullshit can shift the search area to where you like it to be.
2. The PM of a large country can be bought over to lend weight to the wasteful search, announcing confidently that the search area should be correct.
3. Useful resources of unbelievable proportion can be deployed by authorities, knowing that it is all a wayang show.
In conclusion, ang mo are better liars than Asians which is why they need to get Aussie to take over the daily updates. Too much respect has been accorded to the capability of the ang mo which is why there are few (besides relatives of the passengers) who question and challenge the so called unprecedented calculation.
1. A simple creation of "an unprecedented calculation" bullshit can shift the search area to where you like it to be.
2. The PM of a large country can be bought over to lend weight to the wasteful search, announcing confidently that the search area should be correct.
3. Useful resources of unbelievable proportion can be deployed by authorities, knowing that it is all a wayang show.
In conclusion, ang mo are better liars than Asians which is why they need to get Aussie to take over the daily updates. Too much respect has been accorded to the capability of the ang mo which is why there are few (besides relatives of the passengers) who question and challenge the so called unprecedented calculation.