That is why I'll say you are very naive. Even if you want to strike, you must first weigh on your chances of winning before making that strike. The Chinese Malaysians should have known better that as long as Mahathir is still around, the BN will still be the federal government at the end of the day. He still commands considerable respects and influence within his UMNO comrades as well as those older generation Malay population. Badawi was already a living example. He was a non-corrupt leader, but was also booted out eventually because he doesn't "sing the same tune as Mahathir".
By rejecting BN last Sunday, now they will face the consequences of having a much degraded nationality. What can Anwar do to recover for them now? Practically nothing, but causing demonstrations and more bloodshed at worst. Even the MCA had thrown in the towels and refused to be represented in the new cabinet. There'll be no more Chinese representation for them in the federal government. Even the local Ah Nehs are taking sides with the BN now and I would say they are smarter for they cared for themselves first.
As for the PAPies in Sinkie Land, it's entirely a different aspect. The Chinese are the majority stakeholders in Sinkie Land. We have every right not to fear the PAPies. If they should performed not up to expectation, we should rightfully kick them out as well. However, 1 of the weakest point in Sinkie politics is because the oppositions themselves are not united. Also, presently WP is very much limited in its manpower to truly take over and govern Sinkie Land. LTK had already admitted this himself. So, it will still need to take several more years or even a decade for the PAPies to be pulled down because of the lack of quality oppositions and worse if they can't even see eye-to-eye with their counterparts. Just recall those (crude) remarks from KJ towards WP and also from CSJ towards WP during the last Punggol East BE and you'll know what I mean.
On a side-note, do you know why China gives 50-year autonomy to Hongkong after 1997? That's because they are smart not to cause revolts and chaos. They know that by 2047, most of those current Hongkongers who had lived under the British administration would have died by then and it can then be a more peaceful transition with very little retaliation, if any. In politics, timing is always of great essence.