Police brutality, corruption and abuse of power
By Dr. Gédéon
I am an Australian Citizen and used to live in Malaysia on a MM2H visa. In 2007, I was assaulted. I then went to the police station to make a report and instead of taking my report, the police ARRESTED AND IMPRISONED ME FOR 12 HOURS.
They also punched me hard in the stomach and pointed TWO GUNS at my head!!!! I then appointed Datuk Karpal Singh who found out that the boss of the guy who assaulted me had called the police station to ask them to detain me when I go to make the report! In January this year, Sukaham started investigating this matter and wrote FIVE times to the police so far but the police have not responded to any letter!
I have also sent FIVE letters to the Minister for Tourism, NINE letters to the Police Inspector, EIGHT emails to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EIGHT emails to the MInistry of Home Affairs, SIX emails to the Political Secretary of His Majesty King of Malaysia BUT NO ONE HAS RESPONDED OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED MY COMPLAINT AGAINST THE POLICE!!!!
Please note that I am not in Malaysia anymore nor do I intend to go back there!