That is the m&ds problem. They signed and agreed to the conditions. But lets look at it in totality. The infrastructure etc is maintained at singkielands expense. Treated water is sold back to mudland at a lost and how much do the mudland gahmen sell it to the m&ds for? There was a previous water agreement that expired and singkieland handed back the whole facility to mudland. When the next agreement expires, mudland will get the rest of the facilities. Also mudland can always buy more treated water from singkieland at the same subsidised rate. Why dont the m&ds talk about that? If can buy it cheaper and all work done by others, its much cheaper than developing your own right? Water treatment facilities and maintenance is not cheap and there are high standards to maintain. If mudland really running at a lost, they can build their own water treatment plants and process their own water. Why they dont do it? Contrast that that to the Hong Kong scenario where by HK pay more for water, but the facilities etc is maintained by the Ah Tiongs. I hate to say this, but so called Singkie who supports mudland in this matter is a traitor and deserves to be hanged for treason. The only person that KPKB about is Madhatter because he is demonising others to create distractions away from himself. He does that for decades to make himself look better. And the water agreement is mainly with Johor. as the water is from Johor...the Johor Sultan dont even KPKB about this and Madhatter makes noise? The Johor sultan has more to lose from the 3 sen etc, but he keeps quiet because the state benefits more from the current agreement whereby treated water is supplied subsidised and no cost for treatment facilities...and his state gets treated water, when want to talk about this, see who is making the noise and at what angle the noise maker (aka Madhatter) is playing from. There is one thing to hate PAP, but its another thing to support another country against once own