Maia Lee has to be one of the world’s most unique people. This fiery beauty takes no crap and is ready to take on any challenge or challenger. A lot of you guys may remember her as one of our first The Spark Post's Top 100 Babes. The reponse to the profile we did on her was tremendous and it she has recieved one the biggest reactions we ever got from our readers. To this day we still get request for more of her. And looking at her you can see why this petite, pretty, saucy,firecraker grabs hold of all your attention on first sight. But there is alot more to this beauty than a pretty face and kick ass attitude. In this indepth interview we get a little peak into mind of Maia Lee, a fun place to be but definitely a place with full of surprises.
Maia Lee: Hello Hec!

Hi Maia glad to finally talk to you. Let’s start at the beginning @15 you dropped out of school and decided to go backpacking, pretty bold for a teenager. What made you feel you just had to leave?
Maia Lee: I hated my form teacher. She’s a total bitch. And the fact that the teachers they don’t know anything about giving credit to others. I used to top my class and then the Literature teacher gave me a B (instead of A*) for a poem I wrote. Because she said it was too well-written, I must have copied it from a book or something, somewhere. It was the biggest insult and I have the piece till now. It’s in my drawer and I’ll never forget her face and name. She’s a cunt. And then the form teacher she was just biased and she hated my guts she was the in-charge for Chinese Orchestra, in which I played the Chinese lute known as the Pipa. She kicked me out of the orchestra 6 times and each time asked me back, and I returned just to have her kick me out again.
Hec: damn that sucks she is cunt
Maia Lee: She couldn’t stand the way I managed the other pipa players - I was the leader and of course there were bound to be a lot of politics but I was THAT good that she couldn’t live without me. But she hated the fact that I could stand up to her and tell her NO, things should be done THIS WAY. So she gave me hell in class and eventually I got fed up and told her fuck you and I left school. Anyway the syllabuses are for the average being, I’m faster than the rest.
Hec: What did your family say about you leaving at such a young age?
Maia Lee: I don’t talk to my mom so I don’t know what her thoughts were. My dad was upset, but he told me, as long as I am confident that I can make a living when I grow up, then he’s fine. I’m all along really close to my dad so he knows how I am, he has confidence in me. He’s cooool!!!
Hec: What does he think about your career now? Is he involved in any way?
Maia Lee: He’s definitely involved, in the sense that he helps me look after my son, Tyrese (he’s 5), when I have to work in the evenings. Tyrese goes to childcare from 9am-6pm Mon-Fri. And he’s still worried about my career.
Hec: I am assuming that he and your mother are not together?
Maia Lee: they are together; I just don’t fancy her because she gambles a lot.
Hec: How’s her relationship with your son?
Maia Lee: She loves him.
Hec: when you went backpacking what countries did you visit?
Maia Lee: 1998, Perth/Fremantle in Oz. 1999, Indonesia, Peninsula Malaysia (where I went skinhead but I was stout then cuz I used to lift weights so I looked like an ugly butch) 2000 Thailand. That’s about all. No more backpacking until my boy grows up and he shall come with me
1263085-1124573-thumbnail.jpgHec: You traveled for 2 years wow. I am sure your Dad was worried. How often did you contact home?
Maia Lee: Each trip was about only a month, so I was home pretty often actually. I was away maybe for 6 months in that 2 years but for year 2000-2001 i lived alone in Malaysia for 11 months. Cuz of my first boyfriend he had to work there. Hahaha I was 17, and he’s the father of my son
Hec: How was that experience?
Maia Lee: It was crap living in Malaysia potholes everywhere. And since it’s Muslim country (I’ve nothing against them) the prayers ring every day at 7am and 7pm and I can’t sleep well.
Hec: How involved is Tyrese’s dad in his life?
Maia Lee: Initially, all the way until Ty was a 9 month-old baby then I decided to break off with him because he wasn’t someone who was motivated and I was the sole breadwinner and I had enough of it since he’s not old at all! So he should work no doubt he is an extremely responsible father no one can beat him at that, he was so loving but I was the one at fault I needed my own freedom and I was fickle back then so I had to break his heart and I’m selfish I admit. But having grown up in a so-called ‘complete’ family in which both parents are there I came to the conclusion that, that does not necessarily mean the child will grow up happy
Hec: How did that affect you growing up
Maia Lee: I was brought up by my dad mom was hardly around so I figured I want to be like him and I’ll give Tyrese the best and not have him see me quarrel with his dad. But then again I am extremely violent and I realized that fighting solves everything
Hec: Speaking of Tyrese it is a unique name who picked it and why ?
Maia Lee: I picked it. I was just growing fat at home while Tyrese was in my tummy, and I was on Playstation (Worms Armageddon) back then, and I decided to take a break and flipped the TV channels.
It was about 2am at night and then It was showing E! and this handsome man came on and it was Tyrese Gibson yeah that dude. He is so damn hot! So I named Tyrese after him. And apparently he had a gf called Maia too? HAHAHAHA
Hec: Lol ok cool
Maia Lee: Well I only heard about it after a year hahaha
Hec: so you said you broke his dad’s heart do u think you are still a heart breaker?
Maia Lee: Yes I am Not that I’m a flirt but I haven’t found someone who can love me the way I love him so I just fuck off when I know he’s starting to love me more
Hec: How do you want to be loved?
Maia Lee: Communication, cuddles, support in my career and emotional well-being, and most of all, accept Tyrese and include the both of us in his life. Simple but very tough. Not that he has to support me financially but at least not be a fucking miser and make me pay for own stuff all the time
Hec: Do you really think fighting solves everything or that you won’t lose in a fight so you winning solves everything?
Maia Lee:
Fighting does solve everything. Either physical or mental, it depends. I haven’t whacked someone for a year. so I’m well-behaved.
Hec: Do u lose?
Maia Lee: No I haven’t lost in any way
Hec: Mentally or physically?
Maia Lee: both mentally and physically I’m a psycho And I’m someone who has nothing to lose which is why no one really dares to date me because they worry about their career reputation etc
Hec: You don’t seem that tough to date you are kind of easy to understand. Where do the problems usually happen ?
Maia Lee: The fact that they are insensitive and forget to call me or respond to me as promised. No one is a man of their words SO FAR. None that I have met, none except for myself. I know I shouldn’t pitch myself as the Universal standard but I hate it when people forget about things they agreed on so I take it as them disregarding me, so I get insulted and angry and I’ll chuck a shit at them and they’ll complain that I’m moody and emo, so we’ll start arguing but I know I’m a simple person just that I’m emotional and I’m the kind who’d die for love I mean love as in true love which I haven’t found
Hec: Since we are the romance issue you already openly admit you are pansexual who is easier for you to deal with men or women
Maia Lee: haha Men of course put two women together and when PMS comes... hahah we’re petty by nature and some who are more ‘butch’ are deluded and think that they are men, but they can’t expect me to treat them as males!
Hec: so what draws you to the ladies?
Maia Lee: The fact that they are more sensitive and that they are cleaner and less of being a male chauvinist pig or egotistic and sex is better with a woman if she knows what to do

And I was a child abuse victim so naturally I am very defensive with men since I know most of the time they want to know me only because of who I am or the fact that I’m fucking HOT and GORGEOUS
1263085-1124582-thumbnail.jpgHec: really but men have something that is really hard to substitute
Maia Lee: hahahahhah Yeah I love that part of men
Hec: lol
Maia Lee: but then again, to go through all that shit just for that 1 hour of pleasure 5 times a week isn’t worth it shit meaning the fact that they come to you only when they NEED you and disregard you for the rest of the time
Hec: your guys only go an hour? Lol
Maia Lee: I mean average 1 hour &
I hate foreplay
Hec: Really??
Maia Lee: yeah I hate it
Hec: That is rare in a woman
Maia Lee: Hahahah I prefer action straight away
Hec: well how do u want to be pleased romantically
Maia Lee: Romantically? Erm...ok for being pleased romantically I appreciate the little acts like a simple SMS in some odd hour of the day when we’re apart telling me I miss you, I love you, or whatcha doing and the fact that I would be allowed to attend social functions together with him and not be hidden from view which is what I hardly receive since the men and women I’ve been with are not the ‘hooligan’ or of average status occupation-wise and they worry about their staff or colleagues or family doubting their judgments just because they are dating someone who’s considered controversial in Singapore - the land of being sincerely fake I mean, fakely sincere but I still love Singapore of course. but not the people If I weren’t a threat to anyone, they wouldn’t treat me this way. So then again, I feel an ego boost somehow
Hec: So what’s more important the romance or the sex
Maia Lee: equally but if really, really, really, have to choose, it’s the ‘romance’, which I’d rather call it, concern and the level of acknowledgement in his life and his family
Hec: how does the way you are viewed in Singapore make you feel
Maia Lee: It makes me feel like I’m in some fucked up hole full of aliens they’re so weird and yet they think I’m the weirdo It makes me really angry that they are plastic (fake), superficial, materialistic, shallow bitchy, wimpish you know, most of the Singaporeans haven’t any balls to voice their opinions they love to write in to the major papers, where the forums are and they’d never dare to put their real name or be quoted or have their pictures taken makes me think that they’ve probably have marbles for their balls hahahahha screw them
Hec: LOL LOL if they have any balls
Maia Lee: HAHAHAHAHHAH YEAH WELL SAID!!!! Hahaha And that applies to anyone who think and behave the way the majority of Singaporeans do too I guess it’s also because it’s an Asian culture - it’s conservative to the max I guess it’s also because it’s an Asian culture - it’s conservative to the max god damn it
Hec: I noticed you said you like Tyrese Gibson so I guess your into black guys what other races do you like or consider your type? What do you look for in a man?
Maia Lee:
I’m fine with all races except for middle-eastern men and men from India. Mid-eastern men seem so violent and I’m not the submissive type and same goes for Indian national woohoo!
Hec: lol
Maia Lee: I like men who can commit that’s all who’d love me and Tyrese there isn’t like a criteria and I can never accept men who club or party
Hec: y
Maia Lee: because I don’t do that and people go to parties with one-night stands and affairs at the back of their minds
Hec: so you are one to go to the club to dance and just have fun
Maia Lee: I’d rather be renting DVDs and cuddling in bed all day and that bed action. NO!!! I’ve never clubbed in my life and I can’t dance and I expect the club to pay me to enter and not the other way round that’s what happened so far haha I just work if I have to once I’m done, I’ll fuck off far far away from those dark shitholes
Hec: So I asked what pleased you romantically what pleases you sexually
Maia Lee: sexually a lot of kissing but not foreplay and I am experimental but never force me else I’ll get turned off forever for that particular act
Hec: so you like to take the lead
Maia Lee: yes I do but I like variety too it seems that I haven’t met anyone who had the guts or creativity to take the lead I mean, can’t they, once in a while, let me be a fucking pussycat or submissive woman? But anyway, to get to the level of that, we’ve to be extremely comfortable with each other and I think I cannot recall who.... maybe one, maybe none
Hec: so you want a man to be a man
Maia Lee: of course! just fucking throw me in bed the moment I come home etc even if I’m to complain just go ahead and eat me that’d be nice I think I’m too fierce for anyone to dare to do that or maybe they REALLLLY LOVE me too much to be rough with me but c’mon I do muay thai and I’ve been boxing (unprofessionally) for a decade
Hec: I don’t believe in all the soft stuff 100% of the time either
Maia Lee: ah that’s good Variety is perfect keeps things interesting and I hate it when everything becomes routine 1. suck 2. turn around etc
Hec: lol
Maia Lee: hahahahah
Hec: You do muay thai?! no one wonder you don’t lose fights
Maia Lee: nah I’m the worst in class (Muay Thai) I;ve zero stamina I’m small the other girls are towering over me of course I get whacked and the fact that I can’t bring myself to whack a female
Hec: I am sure u can take a punch
Maia Lee: I haven’t really been studying boxing, just watched videos. It started when I was 5 and my dad and my elder sis (she’s 26 this year) were into WWF and my sis and I would imitate the executions hahah so I bugged my dad to buy me a punchbag and I use it to vent my frustrations and train for strength and kicking but I prefer muay thai because its prettier hah and better to take someone down and I get to wear funny shorts hahaha And I’ve been doing Muay thai for only 5 months
Hec: How is your relationship with your sis
Maia Lee: I love her. I gave her a nick name when we were kids It derived from Vader of the WWF she used to be bigger and plump and she was really fair so I’d tease her (I was very mean) and say she looks like Vader and when she got to secondary school
Hec: wow children are cruel
Maia Lee: her best friend was an Indian girl so I Indian-ised the name it became Vadur and it’s stuck to her since HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Hec: lol
Maia Lee: but she loves it so yeah we’re cool hahahahha she looks like me just that she got all the good genes so she’s prettier and taller and has straight teeth mine’s crooked haha
Hec: well you’re still pretty Maia how tall is she?
Maia Lee: but I got all the nutrients so I’ve bigger bags hahaha
Hec: lol
Maia Lee: now I don’t know how to convert to feet and inches 5 ft something
Hec: it is 5 ft 1 in
Maia Lee: oh yeah and she’s smarter and really quiet she topped the school every year was a straight a student and won all sorts of academic competitions be it calligraphy, knowledge, literature book prize geography mathematics
Hec: good you sound proud of her what does she do now ?
Maia Lee: Yeah I’m so proud of her! but she’s as eccentric as I am we’re the Addams family.