it's bustling with busty prostitutes from prc.
why prostitutes have moved from geylang's 'red light district' to hdb heartlands (in jurong)
HDB cheaper to rent and cut costs
To save cost on rent, most girls prefer HDB apartments despite the added security in condominiums.
On an average workday, a girl usually services
four customers a night. Her earnings are dependent on her nationality, attractiveness, and services offered.
Rates range from S$70 for “1 shot 1 time (you’re only allowed to ejaculate once)” sex and massage services to S$180 per hour for “silk stockings seduction”.
Rental rates for condominiums in the West start at S$110 a day. In Central and East Singapore, costs increase to S$140 to S$200 per day.
This means to cover rental costs, a prostitute has to sleep one or two customers for “free”.
Comparatively, rental for a HDB flat averages S$80 per day. This allows them to save on rent, and cut costs by removing the need for pimps to source for a ‘work’ location.
But the biggest advantage of moving to the HDB heartlands is moving right to the doorstep of their clients.
Jurong West flat is brothel housing scantily clad women from China
As reported by
The Straits Times, a 4-room HDB flat in Jurong West Street 61 was found to be operating as a brothel. The unit houses multiple scantily clad women from China who were here on social visit passes. The 4-room flat is owned by a Singaporean couple.
Brothels are popping up in HDB flats due to low rental costs and the belief that they are less likely to be caught there.
Located 5 minutes away from Pioneer MRT station, streams of men flock to the Jurong West Flat to engage in sexual services. Over a span of two hours, Straits Times reporters spotted at least five men who looked to be between the ages of 20 and 60 entering the unit.
MPs in Pioneer and West Coast have been calling for more enforcement action as residents have been complaining about the emergence of brothels in the area.
Pioneer MP Cedric Foo said he has received such feedback about suspected vice activity in his ward.