Chen Show Mao may be a 诸葛亮, but Low Thia Khiang is certainly no 刘备.
刘备 immediately made 诸葛亮 his second-in-command even though the 20-plus greenhorn had no academic or professional qualifications. 孔明 was also viewed with suspicion and resentment by 刘备's party cadres. Neither had he done any grassroot work nor proven himself for the party.
Unlike 诸葛亮, Chen Show Mao joined the party at the peak of his glittering career, having overly proven himself with impressive academic qualifications and remarkable professional accomplishments. He was also popularly elected by party cadres into CEC with the highest votes. He was hardworking in the party grassroot, well-liked by his constituents and was a critical factor in WP Aljunied victory.
Yet, Low Thia Khiang does not have the foresight, wisdom, confidence and magnanimity as 刘备 to give more responsibility to a rare talent like Chen.
Instead, Low Thia Khiang is behaving as a petty, jealous, intolerant small-time player like 刘表.
Both green-eyed clowns are only capable of surrounding themselves with toadying cronies and bootlicking ass-kissers while driving away people from joining them. Like Low Thia Khiang’s shabby treatment of Chen Show Mao, 诸葛亮 had been living under 刘表’s nose for ages yet 刘表 refused to recognize and promote him despite 诸葛亮’s widespread accolade.
刘备 had to 三顾茅庐 to awaken and hire his 卧龙. Yet WP’s very own 飞龙 had to 三顾茅庐 to the WP HQ to awake the Party and get himself hired.
“用人当如刘玄德,Low Thia Khiang的人若豚犬耳!”