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Low ses Sinkies feel life is not equal. For fuck sake why dont they put in some effort.


There are certain positions with the same job scope but salary is hell vs heaven :geek: :sneaky:
I can state 1 real eg here. No bull shit or talk cock.

Admin asst /exec A in a sme or even mnc
Job scope includes make coffee for bosses and vip visitors. Book air tic hotel for bosses and their vips. Arrange for meeting rooms . Sending reminders emails to attendees. Book food caterings.
Monthly salary $2k to 2.5k

The same role but with title of eg programme mgr when working in a gov related (very high end institution) serving all the gov directors and economist etc and booking hotels for vvip and officials from overseas. The same shit as above post, make coffee, book meeting rooms, send emails reminder etc. Booking food caterings.
Monthly salary $7 to 8k

Morale of the story is you must know where to apply for the correct post or else life is definitely not equal :geek: