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Serious Low SES Hawkers and Customers say FUCK YOU to Lanjiao Loong's return tray policy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aiya, so troublesome. If Sinkies love to eat, why not eat inside instead of outside. Never heard of Ta Bao or cook-at-home meal? More cheaper, healthy and hygienic. I can't trust hawker nowadays. Recently witnessed a Teo Chew fish ball noodle hawker washing his hand with the same water he used to drain into the soup. And than another chicken rice owner sneezed while chopping chicken....Terrible!


Aiya, so troublesome. If Sinkies love to eat, why not eat inside instead of outside. Never heard of Ta Bao or cook-at-home meal? More cheaper, healthy and hygienic. I can't trust hawker nowadays. Recently witnessed a Teo Chew fish ball noodle hawker washing his hand with the same water he used to drain into the soup. And than another chicken rice owner sneezed while chopping chicken....Terrible!

You haven't seen those who scratch cb then prepare your salad!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Brings back memory of NS/reservist -the only place I know where you will be punished if you do not return tray after eating.
Look at what these SAF scholars have ' done' for us-eg NOL.,SMRT, ect2


Brings back memory of NS/reservist -the only place I know where you will be punished if you do not return tray after eating.
Look at what these SAF scholars have ' done' for us-eg NOL.,SMRT, ect2

You put these idiots in the real world and they think they can use the same tricks.
Fuck their mother's saf cheebye.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Brings back memory of NS/reservist -the only place I know where you will be punished if you do not return tray after eating.
Look at what these SAF scholars have ' done' for us-eg NOL.,SMRT, ect2

SAF scholar formerly at NOL is now at SPH. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ban all hawker food! All Sinkies should only be eating at atas michelin starred restorante! Swee boh?


Do I have to pay for the tray, even I don't want them tray? Can I bring my own tray & get a $1 discount!
U dun hve to pay for the S$1 deposit if u are not taking the tray! Quite a dumbass idea indeed..not bright n constructive at all! Hahaha..


Alfrescian (Inf)
U dun hve to pay for the S$1 deposit if u are not taking the tray! Quite a dumbass idea indeed..not bright n constructive at all! Hahaha..

I might as well eat in a restaurant , pay good money, have people deliver my food to me & remove the crockeries after I have eaten. A stupid idea to eat at a hawker's centre, I have to pay $1 for dirty, germs infested food tray & return it after I used it. I wonder if they force you to pay the $1 whether you want the tray or not, knowing these greedy bastards, "no opt out" feature. You don't collect back the $1..small pennies becomes big money.



Still got halal and haram... knn see where i put my char siew fan tray

Scrooball (clone)

But they are missing the entire point. If people return trays but don't return plates and cups, then what exactly is the efficiency achieved?


I might as well eat in a restaurant , pay good money, have people deliver my food to me & remove the crockeries after I have eaten. A stupid idea to eat at a hawker's centre, I have to pay $1 for dirty, germs infested food tray & return it after I used it. I wonder if they force you to pay the $1 whether you want the tray or not, knowing these greedy bastards, "no opt out" feature. You don't collect back the $1..small pennies becomes big money.
Exactly..u are rite! I wonder who is da dumbass who initiated tis idea?