In my
opinion the word Cancer is used to describe the diseases that doctors don't undertand. In the old days they would have used the term dying of old age rather than death caused by cancer.
Many suspect that many of the cancers are being caused by all the new man made chemicals out there. The pesticides in our food, the chemicals we use in plastics, in our cosmetics, in our carpets,...... Even the oceans are polluted & the fishes are not safe to eat. Some of these man made chemicals e.g. engineered oils interfere with the body's system.
Unfortunately many Sporeans are ignorant of just how dangerous these man made chemicals are. They only find out about the dangers of trans fats, engineered oils, msg, etc after they get sick.
It's a fact that we are all polluted. Each of us have foreign chemicals in our bodies that will eventually kill us. I notice that there is plenty of ignorance among Sporeans even among our "professionals" When I was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, I was served breakfast with margarine

If you check the medical literature you'll find out about how damaging margarine(trans fats) is to one's health.
My cardiologist prescribed Statins for me & did not prescribe any CoQ10. It's a known fact that statins depletes one's CoQ10 level. When I asked him about it, his response of "it's not important"

It sure terrified me that a as a professional he didn't think it was important

Another thing I notice is that his approach was only limited to prescribing drugs. There was never any discussion about lifestyle changes, proper diet, etc.
I wonder how many patients in Spore would be alive today if they had done their homework instead of waiting to be spoonfed by their doctors
I don't claim to be a medical professional. I'm recommending the product because I find that it helps. I know how difficult it is to eat properly in Spore. Hawker food is not very nutritious & you need to supplement it. I don't believe our fates are pre-destined. Maybe it's because of of the degree(s) I have