Most peasants believed that longevity is good, but the minions and lackeys who helped Young Autocrat rule Peasantpore knows that growing legions of greying peasantpore will create fiscal imbalances for Peasantpore!
The pension system is doomed to failure as greying peasants began making demands to withdraw their monies. In the 1980s, Old Autocrat con peasants by claiming peasants could withdraw their monies after hitting the big 55!! Most peasants took his words as the Holy Truth. However they forgot the history of this Baba Despot.
Baba Despot came to power by agitating peasants to strike against the colonial power and acting for them at a reasonable price. The Brits will always remember this and distrust him more so when he aligned with the 'socialists' to gain a shot a political power. The Mat playboy Tengku, ever wary concluded the Baba Prince was a better evil than the demonised insidious hokkien Lim and other pretenders to the throne Loud Mouth Pang and assured the brits he will box Baba Prince if he proved to be disloyal.
Playboy Tengku got his wishes and played the bad boy by purging the 'commies' and the Brits were convinced that power and wealth was all Baba Despot wanted and did little other than play kawan kawan between the squabbles of Playboy Tengku and Baba Prince with Uncle Sam keeping a close watch to stop any Commies and Sakarno from playing mind games.
These incidents proved the ruthless nature of Baba Despot.
When he was the Paramount Leader, he outlawed all mind games and legal tricks that enabled him to gain a foothold, betraying comrades and burning bridges after seizing absolute power. He made plans for Dynastic Successions and removed dissenters to his Dynastic/Autocratic dreams. He boast that eugenics will be his greatest contribution to a Brit Royalty and was rebuked because the Brits knew it did not work on horses!
The decree to limit childbirth will haunt him in later years when his close alignment to Western Powers brought wealth via investments to his realm and peasants were made to toil without real representation! While the life of peasants had clearly improved, the Imperial Family reaped the most gains via a series of sweetheart contracts e.g. housing contracts, profitable sale of TransLand Bus Company by Nonya Choo's related firms and infamous 'Harry Pays Less Property Incident'.
To ensure Peasants do not openly rebel against the regime, a brilliant scheme was concocted to ensure they stayed in debt via the Homeowner Scam. This scam effective turned peasants into a nation of tenants. During a visit to Peasantpore, Housing Mafia boasted to Microsoft Bill Gates about the impressive home ownership. Bill Gates was smart to see through the con by claiming Peasantpore's 'home ownership' required liberal interpretation of rules and definitions!
If most peasants stick to the game plan and die after 55, Old Autocrat's great pension and housing scam will suceed but it was not to be! Peasants began hitting 72 and with little cash to show for after paying off generous interests to Housing Mafia and banks, most peasants are financially insolvent after they retired with no source of income! A vile Baba scum, known as Walter Woon came up with a legal gimmick to encourage old peasants to sue their peasant for children for $$, redirecting the problem to younger peasants. The problem of low child birth put an end to that silly scam and the regime had more problems when news of Ho Jinx losses created a fiscal black hole! Old Autocrat and his cronies compounded the problem when they were conned by smarter jews to pick up expensive shares of sinking western banks!
Faced with impending problems of account the fiscal black hole, Young Autocrat's minion, swine Lim claimed a consistent 9% rate of return of Peasantpore SWFs since Independence. Minion Tharman told peasants the losses are not open to transparent accountability. Vermin Bargain Hen silently came up with the Analities Scam when it became apparent that ex-Regent Minimum Sum Scam could not stop the fiscal blackhole from gaining critical mass when baby boomers reach 55, 62 and beyond!
Analities are game theory construct to force peasants to purchase low yield products using their pensions. It is designed to ensure Peasants suffer a deficit e.g. choosing the wrong plan, admin fees! In addition, the regime passed into legislation that the regime could stop payouts if the scam becomes insolvent and peasants have NO legal recourse!!
This is possible because the regime wield absolute power and could change the rules at whims and not take up accountability for their mistakes and fiscal missteps!
Woe woe woe, Peasantpore!
The pension system is doomed to failure as greying peasants began making demands to withdraw their monies. In the 1980s, Old Autocrat con peasants by claiming peasants could withdraw their monies after hitting the big 55!! Most peasants took his words as the Holy Truth. However they forgot the history of this Baba Despot.
Baba Despot came to power by agitating peasants to strike against the colonial power and acting for them at a reasonable price. The Brits will always remember this and distrust him more so when he aligned with the 'socialists' to gain a shot a political power. The Mat playboy Tengku, ever wary concluded the Baba Prince was a better evil than the demonised insidious hokkien Lim and other pretenders to the throne Loud Mouth Pang and assured the brits he will box Baba Prince if he proved to be disloyal.
Playboy Tengku got his wishes and played the bad boy by purging the 'commies' and the Brits were convinced that power and wealth was all Baba Despot wanted and did little other than play kawan kawan between the squabbles of Playboy Tengku and Baba Prince with Uncle Sam keeping a close watch to stop any Commies and Sakarno from playing mind games.
These incidents proved the ruthless nature of Baba Despot.
When he was the Paramount Leader, he outlawed all mind games and legal tricks that enabled him to gain a foothold, betraying comrades and burning bridges after seizing absolute power. He made plans for Dynastic Successions and removed dissenters to his Dynastic/Autocratic dreams. He boast that eugenics will be his greatest contribution to a Brit Royalty and was rebuked because the Brits knew it did not work on horses!
The decree to limit childbirth will haunt him in later years when his close alignment to Western Powers brought wealth via investments to his realm and peasants were made to toil without real representation! While the life of peasants had clearly improved, the Imperial Family reaped the most gains via a series of sweetheart contracts e.g. housing contracts, profitable sale of TransLand Bus Company by Nonya Choo's related firms and infamous 'Harry Pays Less Property Incident'.
To ensure Peasants do not openly rebel against the regime, a brilliant scheme was concocted to ensure they stayed in debt via the Homeowner Scam. This scam effective turned peasants into a nation of tenants. During a visit to Peasantpore, Housing Mafia boasted to Microsoft Bill Gates about the impressive home ownership. Bill Gates was smart to see through the con by claiming Peasantpore's 'home ownership' required liberal interpretation of rules and definitions!
If most peasants stick to the game plan and die after 55, Old Autocrat's great pension and housing scam will suceed but it was not to be! Peasants began hitting 72 and with little cash to show for after paying off generous interests to Housing Mafia and banks, most peasants are financially insolvent after they retired with no source of income! A vile Baba scum, known as Walter Woon came up with a legal gimmick to encourage old peasants to sue their peasant for children for $$, redirecting the problem to younger peasants. The problem of low child birth put an end to that silly scam and the regime had more problems when news of Ho Jinx losses created a fiscal black hole! Old Autocrat and his cronies compounded the problem when they were conned by smarter jews to pick up expensive shares of sinking western banks!
Faced with impending problems of account the fiscal black hole, Young Autocrat's minion, swine Lim claimed a consistent 9% rate of return of Peasantpore SWFs since Independence. Minion Tharman told peasants the losses are not open to transparent accountability. Vermin Bargain Hen silently came up with the Analities Scam when it became apparent that ex-Regent Minimum Sum Scam could not stop the fiscal blackhole from gaining critical mass when baby boomers reach 55, 62 and beyond!
Analities are game theory construct to force peasants to purchase low yield products using their pensions. It is designed to ensure Peasants suffer a deficit e.g. choosing the wrong plan, admin fees! In addition, the regime passed into legislation that the regime could stop payouts if the scam becomes insolvent and peasants have NO legal recourse!!
This is possible because the regime wield absolute power and could change the rules at whims and not take up accountability for their mistakes and fiscal missteps!
Woe woe woe, Peasantpore!