Meanwhile Ho Ching, who has no business commenting, as she remains an active executive with Temasek at the moment, has put up a comment by The Kritical Spectator calling Singaporeans who vote for TKL insane.
Nothing could be dragged further into the gutter than calling the supporters of eligible political opponents insane. This shows that the PAP has nothing but contempt for a large swathe and probably the majority of the electorate. Her ties to two of the candidates are as well hidden as PSP’s ties to the other. She should be made ‘aware’ of FICA and get sanctioned for spreading the Polish PAP IB.
We’ve had a long history of this in Singapore. Many of my supporters are aware that her father-in-law called my father mad. I can assure you he was compos mentis till his last breath. I think they did something similar to Chee Soon Juan.
TCB is throwing his weight behind TKL because he’s hoping to capture some supporters for the PSP. I haven’t yet thrown my weight behind anyone in my individual capacity. It’s not for me to speak for Reform Party and as a party we wouldn’t endorse. But I have had negative personal interaction with two of the other candidates and knew one well at university and I wouldn’t trust them to look after the jar of coins I keep on a back shelf in the kitchen.
The PAP is being brought dragging and screaming into conflict with the modern world’s demands as it struggles to keep on doing business as usual, censoring citizens with rule by law, insisting ownself check oneself isn’t a travesty of good governance whilst defending its status as a haven for banking secrecy and dirty money.
Have we all got a little overexcited? The EP is a sham brought in by the PAP out of fear. It’s not worth this much comment.
At least TKL has said he would call for a Commission of Inquiry which is a better response to calls for transparency and accountability than I’ve ever had from Tharman or previous EPs. Whatever you think TKL embodies, electing him would send a clear signal to the PAP that they are living on borrowed time as far as the electorate is concerned. It might be too much to hope for but a TKL Presidency might finally force the Government to reveal more about the size of the reserves and the justification for not being able to spend more on investing in the people. So a vote for TKL is a vote against PAP arrogance and being taken for granted and treated like fools.