Most of the estimates in this category fell in the range of 5 to 50 deaths per 100,000 cases. In age-stratified analyses, risk estimates rose monotonically with age, from approximately one death per 100,000 symptomatic cases in children to approximately 1,000 deaths per 100,000 symptomatic cases in the elderly, although with substantial variation in the estimates within each age group (Figure 4).
Dey KNN the issue goes back to fastening the mortality KNN H1N1 is not so widespread and the cases buildup is slow to achieve that % of mortality for covid19 KNNSingapore currently has 15,641 cases and 14 deaths the vast majority of which are in the >65 age group.
The case fatality rate is therefore 14/15641x100% = 0.09%.
So let's compare this with the data for H1N1 influenza:
1000deaths per 100,000 symptomatic cases works out to a case mortality rate of 1% in the elderly.
We did not shut down the economy for H1N1 so why are doing so for Covid-19?
Dey KNN the issue goes back to fastening the mortality KNN H1N1 is not so widespread and the cases buildup is slow to achieve that % of mortality for covid19 KNN
As the denominator is buidling up quickly the numerator is also building up quickly KNN in h1n1 you won't see this happening KNN that's the main leeson it cannot be compared KNNThe number of positive cases will build up way more quickly thereby increasing the denominator while the numerator continues to remain low.
This means the final case fatality rate will be even lower than it currently is.
As the denominator is buidling up quickly the numerator is also building up quickly KNN in h1n1 you won't see this happening KNN that's the main leeson it cannot be compared KNN
You have not seen it now in sg and asia yet since pap is suppressing it by all the current measures KNN but rook at other big bro cuntries data KNNThe number of deaths has built up quickly? Where?
I have no idea what is happening in NYC. The general consensus is that they are inflating the numbers by counting untested cases as Covid-19 deaths too but if you look at the rest of the country the mortality rate is extremely low.You have not seen it now in sg and asia yet since pap is suppressing it by all the current measures KNN but rook at other big bro cuntries data KNN
Age Group | Deaths per 100,000 cases | Mortality rate |
80+ | 556 | 0.56% |
70-79 | 118 | 0.12% |
60-69 | 30 | 0.03% |
50-59 | 9 | 0.009% |
40-49 | 2 | 0.002% |
30-39 | 1 | 0.001% |
20-29 | 0 | 0.0000000% |
0-19 | 0 | 0.0000000% |
Singapore | 3.24 |
Furthermore my uncle don't really believe in only the vulnerable are impacted so we can just live normally KNN to be honest the company that my uncle works already has several cases happening to the yuppies and they all had fallen sick hospitalised for weeks KNN this cannot go on for the rest of us if business wants to continue KNNI have no idea what is happening in NYC. The general consensus is that they are inflating the numbers by counting untested cases as Covid-19 deaths too but if you look at the rest of the country the mortality rate is extremely low.
I posted the death rates for Massachusetts recently Here it is again.
Age Group Deaths per 100,000 cases Mortality rate 80+ 556 0.56% 70-79 118 0.12% 60-69 30 0.03% 50-59 9 0.009% 40-49 2 0.002% 30-39 1 0.001% 20-29 0 0.0000000% 0-19 0 0.0000000%
Furthermore my uncle don't really believe in only the vulnerable are impacted so we can just live normally KNN to be honest the company that my uncle works already has several cases happening to the yuppies and they all had fallen sick hospitalised for weeks KNN this cannot go on for the rest of us if business wants to continue KNN
Dey KNN they are unwell for work that's for sure KNN whether MOH locked them up if they are well is another matter KNN if they leeturn to work they will infect other workers and this will be a endless loop for business to continue KNN that's the leeson this shit cannot be compared to common flu becas the transmission rate is way higher KNN not forgetting most of the senior mgt are elderly KNNSickness and death affect all age groups and this was the case even before Covid-19. However the reason why those yuppies you refer to are stuck in hospital is probably not because they are dying but because they are still testing positive even though they are well.