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LKY's hotel room (in Kuantan M'sia) has a excercise bike!


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Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story
June 17, 2009
MM sends condolences

'He contributed to the development of Singapore into what it is today,' said Mr Lee. -- ST PHOTO: AZIZ HUSSIN
MINISTER Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has written a condolence letter to Madam Lim Liang Geok, the widow of former People's Action Party (PAP) MP Sia Kah Hui, who died on Sunday at the age of 86.

'I am sad to learn that your husband has passed away,' Mr Lee said, adding: 'I send my sincere sympathies to you and your family.'

Mr Sia, a former teacher and school principal, was an MP from 1963 to 1984. Mr Lee noted that 'during his distinguished career, he held various positions in government'.

One was as Government Whip in Parliament, responsible for ensuring discipline among PAP MPs during parliamentary sittings.

He was also parliamentary secretary in the health and labour ministries, and Minister of State for Labour from 1970 to 1981.

'He contributed to the development of Singapore into what it is today,' said Mr Lee.

He added that he had been unable to attend Mr Sia's wake as he was undergoing physiotherapy after a small accident in Kuantan in Malaysia on Monday.

Madam Yeong Yoon Ying, his press secretary, told The Straits Times that he had suffered some minor injuries while on his exercise bicycle in his hotel room.

Wah no longer Minister but still have press secretary


I wonder whether Sneering Tree has joined WP yet.

This thread also had posts from SIFU and Teekee, looks like they were deleted.

Haizzz, more SBF history...................................