If they can't apologise, they can always blame god.Tsk tsk. My bad.
After reading just this sentence, I realised it can be preceived as such.
I had failed you.......and led you down the path of mis-interpretation, probably sinned in your thoughts.
I will strive to improve myself and do better next time.
Psst : If any MIW can be apologetic like me publicly (feel free to copy my statements above. Not copyrighted), Singapore will be a great place for the citizens.
They wil just get someone with the same mindset to replace him.Doubt it would do any good. What happened in Spore is the failure of the PAP system & not just one individual.
You might have heard the saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch". In the case of the PAP you have at least 2 top bad apples![]()
You should learn to use the special character set on your computer.
⅞, ½, ⅔, ⅓ etc
It'll give your messages that professional touch.
nice now LKY also believed in God...
someday secularism will be thrown out...LOL!![]()
No need whole lah majority I happy already!
Too bad the majority not as dumb as you.