I LOVE sapphire 8 !
It is good to have you back DOA. I am sure many here missed your energetic and youthful presence last couple of weeks.
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I LOVE sapphire 8 !
Quote:"The actual increases in MS are also adjusted for inflation each year, and therefore have to be more than S$4,000 a year since the increase must account for inflation between 2003 and the time the increase is made. "
It seems the govt remember only to adjust minimum sum for inflation but forgot to adjust for inflation the interest earned for cpf savings.
I guess when one is earning multiple millions, inflation doesn't really factor into their calculations?
Thanks Wuqi for your detailed analysis. I am more convinced now than before that GG is safer. my original thinking was based on believing that there are indeed more break-ins in GG than non GG. Guess that cannot be true based on your analysis.In my case, there are different groups of security guards here plus they regularly change out and rotate the guards. If the guardhouse has security cameras and access cards, its also a good as it records entry and access.
Especially in the very early days when a neighbourhood is still new and no one has yet moved in, much better to have G&G to deter any outsiders when there are no neighbours around. If someone wants to tail you or follow you, they can just wait outside the non G&G place as well and observe, then strike. Its even easier for them to observe than your security guards who has to be stationed at the post or rotate for patrol duties.
There is at least some accountability too as you can report matters to the guardhouse or township running the place. We also have different teams from different companies, each responsible for different areas. We also know we can call on the reserve guards where needed. I once made several calls and in the end 3 teams of guards showed up converging on a single house.
Several guards were replaced by my neighbours when they complained. Straightaway, that guard was never seen again. Most of the immediate areas around us has tried to implement some form of G&G system, not all successful as not everyone pays up. Unlike G&G where they can use the access card to block access for people who don't pay up. (Yes nowadays they do that, even new condos here are starting to have this where the lift/gate only allows access to certain levels or blocks)
At least having restricted access is better than having 24 x 7 public access. This is the feedback from someone born and bred in Johore and he is 70 this year.
"I strongly feel that G&G will be better than non G&G as they have a wider market and tend to be considered better overall. It is not to say non G&G is bad as i still have several units myself but having guards, access cards and cameras is always better than those without any. In the event of petty traffic incidents where you somehow cut into people's lane or overtake others, some people can follow you right to your doorsteps and you can do nothing about it for non G&G."
I have always recommend G&G from the onset, there are many who may disagree. Security is an ongoing process, it has to be maintained of course but some people, when they see isolated cases of crime in their neighbourhood, decided to then not pay up, entirely "in protest" of course. What happens? They don't realise, a net with a small hole is better than no nets at all. Then the whole neighbourhood goes down the drain.
Dissatisfied with the guards? Change out the guards. With the security company? Change the company. Whatever you can implement for non G&G, you are likely able to do that as well in G&G. If security is that important an issue, then G&G and implement further security measures. Rather than think negatively and do nothing, why not take positive ones especially as you are a paying customer and you can band together to change things.
Even if non G&G, at least band together to fence up critical points or at least have patrolling guards.
Thanks for your reply. I am actually less concerned about selling better as my intention is not to sell but to stay. My main concern is security and whichever is safer is going to be my choice. I did joke with my wife the other day about prison being the safest and that for some desperate people who are not able to make ends meet in society with increasing costs and going without food and no roof over their heads that indeed prison meets all their basic needs of food and shelter. Who knows, maybe we are beginning to see some desperate people resorting to crime since its win win for them. Get away with it is a win and being caught will have all their basic needs met. Free medical some more. Where to get in Singapore?Wow! I cant help but to response.....
My sincere advise is, not to listen to the naysayers about G&G. It is like someone telling you that the prison is actually safer! And you need statistics to proof that or the other way around??
No offense to those who are currrently staying in a non G&G community. The locals (increasing trend) are also moving into G&G community instead of their traditional area. The least we can do is to provide our family a community which is so called "safe" and the rest is for us to make it safer. But dont unnecessarily expose yourself and find it otherwise later. So, if security is your biggest concern, why dont you just get into a G&G community and in addition, do what you say (alarm,CCTV, dogs, etc) as well...We dont need you to be part of the statistics by testing it out!
Also, you will find that G&G community (esp those with a concept planned) will always sell better than non G&G. That explains why you could get Semi Ds at less than RM 1 million with big land area too.
careful now, you are on somebody's radar screen already.ya lor , the senior sales told me left a few units only ...
Not sure abt this new chinese guy, last time when i pick up documents from sales office , he was so interested in my PRADA wallet and keep asking which season and how much i bought etc ....
That's the whole idea, but made to look like its always helping you all the time!Damn ! we can kiss goodbye to our cpf money by the time we reach the age to retire!
Quote:"The actual increases in MS are also adjusted for inflation each year, and therefore have to be more than S$4,000 a year since the increase must account for inflation between 2003 and the time the increase is made. "
It seems the govt remember only to adjust minimum sum for inflation but forgot to adjust for inflation the interest earned for cpf savings.
Hopefully I didn't hear wrongly... because 50-60 is a lot... hopefully Crystal is right. As for the service apmts, not much of a concern really on where they build it. Different access gates and if they have insufficient parking space, hopefully the residents won't occupy too much of the outside road to park their cars.50 - 60 still quite a lot. Thought I saw ah tiong updated that only a few units remained
Personally, I think the service apartment should had been planned at the land where phase 7 is, and build more semi-d or clusters or higher class of terraces at 8B. What do u owners feel?![]()
Welcome back... which dream land have you been? Any actions?
You are still not too late, in fact you guys are fashionably late.
Kudos to you too for being brave enough to take action.