Not of robbery though. I guess this happens when the precint is still empty but the guards would need to be replaced though.
Get grilles for front door and at least all the ground floor windows and CCTV. Also get a competent alarm system and check with your developer to link it to the guard house if possible. AAC does have some alarm systems though pretty expensive. There is a shop right next to the Station One Cafe where you can ask for help with alarm/autogate, etc. Some would advise to get 2 dogs, one at the gate and one at the back.
There is already a good site about the numbers covering everything from police to booking taxi cabs:
Prescint 6. Yes, I have asked neighbours to launch a group complaint to UEM. I am so disappointed to hear this in a development like NI.
I agree NI is not that high end development but you still wld expect better security.
Precint 6 is relatively new. less than 1
Reminds me of the case in Adda Heights where 3 foreign construction workers broke into one relatively new unit and beat up the husband. Seems like newly completed tamans tend to kana not too long after completion.
These robbers have the tools and know-how to break into a house. They have those huge cutters that can literally chew through locks and grilles. Alarm works only when it is turned on. my friend tells me most of the time, his alarm is off as there are many incidents of false alarms and that can be quite embarrasing. Also alarm works when there are people around. In tamans where there is low occupancy or majority of the units owned by Singaporeans as holiday homes, no use even if install the loudest alarm. Worse..if the guards are in cahoots, they will close both eyes and ears to what is happening.
I suspect some of these robbers may even be the same guys that help build/renovate/service the homes in the taman. so they know their way around and is aware which units are more vulnerable. Call me paraniod, thats why i intend to use induction cooker instead of gas as it eliminates the need for the gas man to come into my house. You never know who his 'pals' are.
Short of arming ourselves with guns like the Americans, there is really a limit to how much precaution we can take, the rest is really 'heng' 'suay'.
This is the reason I moving to MY!!!!
Anyone wants to join shooting club??? Heard if join them then we can apply license to buy a rifle or gun and keep at home.... Anyone dare to intrude have to taste the bullets!!!!!
When I was in Phil, if I want M16 just pay money! The got brochures for u to choose also!! Just pay money and u can have license to own also!
Think have to get one in MY if permitted, not to do bad things but for safety of family and self defence. If the bad guys have gun and we dun have then we have to give in to them! But if the bad guys got guns and we also have , we still can fight back!!
Any bros know how to get license for gun?? Shooting club or whatsoever. ..
Last time saw an acticle, robbers went into a house, owner still awake, heard some noise, went to get rifle... Saw the burglars, shoot one of them on the leg, the rest run away... I think they will never want to disturb them anymore!
If the owner no gun or rifle then how??? They can do anything they want .... we have to think of all possibilities and have all precautions as we can get.... Wait till police arrive maybe too late already!!! We are trained in the army and we should know better how to fight a war.... Once they intrude yr property, they asking for trouble, when they ask for trouble, they start a war and we have to protect and serve our family.... Or neighbours .... This is to make them know we r not to be disturbed.... Just like the Gurkhas... Recently at Aljunied petrol kiosk, an Indian guy molest a Nepal girl, those Gurkhas held him down, if u live in a precint, u have to have a mind set as the Gurkhas , they r like one big family living together, they will help one another, I used to study in Mount Vernon Sec and have some Nepal friends and they really looking after one another....
So to those staying in NI, keep an eye on each other that is what I can say!
Interesting and informative read.
sis crystal may be worried after reading this.
Besides 'arming' yourself against robbers, there is a need to handle contractors who might dump their rubbish at your front porch. At another website, I also read of neighbours who dump their rubbish into your bin and neighbours' dogs which peeed and pooed at the grass patch near your house...
Looks like a CCTV camera in front of the house is a must -![]()
sis crystal may be worried after reading this.
hello Wuqi
Is there anyway we can know who snipped our reputation pts and left unpleasant remarks ?
I just happened to check my settings today and noticed some did that. I suspect its the same guy !
Although i dun care abt the pts but i just wanna to find out who is this particular guy . And if u have guts , please openly comment instead of doing little things behind!