I did quite some research in the last 6 months on Feng Shui.. If you want to be safe in general, go for direction NE (22.5 to 37.5 degree) or SW (202.5 to 217.5 degree). Best NE got mountain and SW got water for now until 2023 year.. (However my friend took 2 years before he was able to find this kind of house).. There are also lots of different fengshui masters with different methodologies.. For other "sa" such as power line, power station, road cutting into the house etc etc, you can use many things to block, so not a worry..
Ha ha, don't let fengshui things stop you from choosing the right house.. Because it is not easy.. If you buy from resales, you might have a better chance to ascertain all the fengshui criteria.. also you might cut down on your renovation.. If you buy direct from developer, 100K rm renovation is quite possible..
The feel factor is important..
I thought SW is facing afternoon sun. Bely bely hot leh. Correct me if i am wrong.
Got to agree with u on "resale" units. Of course tere are pros and cons. One pay premium for the unit plus all those legal/agent/ etc etc costs. Been couple of years now. I had missed alot of opportunities in getting a unit.
If u notice land size and its price doesnt match nowadays. Getting smaller but the prices went up. Remind me of those Pigeon resale homes in red dot. But JB houses are different. Its FREEHOLD!

Nowadays whenever I look at following link
I feel so happy for u guys/gals. But at the same time my heart bleeds. :(
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