Although the topic is about toilets. the same issue applies to most PAP decisions, that administrative convenience comes first.
Look at the stupid covid vaccination policy where they force young adults with the highest risk of side effects to go for the jab, eventhough its proven they almost alway only have mild covid symptoms. Because its convenient for OYK and MOH to have a blanket policy instead of making exceptions for various groups .
Look at where they place all the dustbins, usually far away in some hidden corner where you cannot find them ,and yet they do not want you to litter, because they can conveniently avoid employing more cleaners .
The law to clear own trays and untensils after eating is hugely inconvenient to the consumers but admimistratively convenient for the hawker centres management or NEA,
There are many more examples but bottom line is PAP does things for its own convenience first with little considerstion about the suffering of the people.
Want to solve the drug problem, just hang these fellas as it more convenient than putting them in drug rehabilitation centres,