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Alfrescian (Inf)

Teen girl admits to making false police report accusing a man of raping her​



Shaffiq Alkhatib
Court Correspondent

Sep 02, 2024

SINGAPORE – A 15-year-old girl knew that a 24-year-old man was on the run from the authorities and had a warrant of arrest issued against him.
Despite this, she harboured the man, identified in court documents as A, in her home for around a month in 2023.
Earlier, on A’s request, she also made a false police report that another man, identified as J, had raped her.
On Sept 2, 2024, the girl, now 16, pleaded guilty to offences including harbouring A and giving false information to a public servant.
She cannot be named, as she is still below 18 and such individuals are protected under the Children and Young Persons Act.
Court documents did not disclose the nature of her relationship with A, whose details have been redacted. His case is still pending.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Benedict Teong said that A was earlier charged with multiple offences including harassment in 2023. He was also accused of assaulting J.

On June 28 that year, he asked the girl to make the false police report, as he wanted to “teach J a lesson”.
A failed to turn up in court the following month and a district judge issued a warrant of arrest against him.
The girl made the false police report on Aug 8, 2023, and A started living at her home later that month.
The prosecutor told the court that due to the report, an unsuspecting police officer conducted an investigation against J for the purported rape.
The girl continued with her lies when she gave a statement to a second police officer on Aug 16, 2023.
Court documents did not disclose what happened next, but officers caught A after they raided the girl’s home on Sept 13 that year.
She finally recanted her false allegations against J on March 6, 2024, before he faced any charges.
On Sept 2, the court called for a report to assess her suitability for a probation.
She will be sentenced on Oct 21