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Let's get this straight. It's the older Sinkie PMETS that loses out to FTs


Look! Human beings and society r not so dumb. If the process is such that every new gen will come along and knock off the old gen, then someone in the new gen will get wise to this process and think....hmmm in future I will get old too, so I better change the system to protect myself otherwise I will end up like these poor buggers I replaced!

Good if you think this way.

I hope the new bred Sinkie can rise up to the occassion and take control and chart their own destiny.

Hell, from the latest I heard, these new breed of Sinkie who are males, could not rise up to the occassion in the bed rooms, resulting that they could not re-produce their own kind in sufficient numbers, to take that hope for control in the future!


why not you start a CPF protest at hong Lim park... i am sure this time 10000 or much more sinkies will join you...

CPF leh, everyone has it.. so your protest will be very very well - received..

You're asking him to go to Hong Lim wearing another colored T-shirt beside RED..

and on the T-shirts have wordings..

Buay Tahan part 2? LOL


I have this vision that I can be the Popiah skin king of Asia. I intend to set up a factory that churns them out by the hundreds of thousands daily.. soft.. tasty but wonderfully strong.

I want to set this up in Singapore but I need government assurance that I can hire 100 cheap foreigners in order to make the business profitable. However, I'll be hiring at least 20 Singaporeans in accounting, clerical work, a few technicians and a food technologist to do research.

If I'm not guaranteed an ongoing source of cheap labour, I tell the government that I'll set this up in Johore state instead and no Singaporeans will be involved.

So what should the government do? Tell me to bugger off or help me so that 20 jobs for Singaporeans are created.

But why would you want to hire 20 SGreans to do accounting, clerical work, technicians and food technologist jobs when you can also hire foreigners or PRs to do them? You want to set up in SG because of the favourable business environment. If you set up in Johor state, there is no guarantee that you might face a mob or get closed down by the government unexpectedly. There are loopholes in your argument. It is always a tug-of-war between the vested interests. That is why the government needs to play the role in moderating and looking after the interests of the citizens. The problem here is that the government is in cahoots with big businesses and out to screw the small guys. The government does not give two hoots about SMEs too if you think otherwise. It is the SMEs that need to suck up to government badly.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
We did well, remarkably well, until someone up there decides the minster pays should be peg to GDP and followup with the arguments that Singapore needs a boost of population to take care of the greying populance. That was 10 years ago before the big influx of FTs.

Suddenly, we begin to question our abilities, our past successes, our hardworking and conscientious workers and most important our own confidence in ourselves and our children? Why???

We start to compare ourselves with the new arrivals, we started to feel inferior, we started to point fingers and all those years of progress seems like an illusion. Why???

I, belongs to the generation X, I have contributed to the Singapore success of the past, I have great respect for our forefathers and appreciate their dedication in building the modern Singapore of today. And, I still had great believe in myself and my children.

So, stop. Stop believing in those bullshits that are being churn out by the despicable media.

Nothing is further from the truth. We do not need a large population, and neither do we need hordes of FTs for the future success of Singapore.

We just need to remind ourselves, to regain back our confidence.

We can do it!!!!!!!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
We did well, remarkably well, until someone up there decides the minster pays should be peg to GDP and followup with the arguments that Singapore needs a boost of population to take care of the greying populance. That was 10 years ago before the big influx of FTs.

Suddenly, we begin to question our abilities, our past successes, our hardworking and conscientious workers and most important our own confidence in ourselves and our children? Why???

We start to compare ourselves with the new arrivals, we started to feel inferior, we started to point fingers and all those years of progress seems like an illusion. Why???

So, stop. Stop believing in those bullshits that are being churn out by the despicable media.

Nothing is further from the truth. We do not need a large population, and neither do we need hordes of FTs for the future success of Singapore.

We just need to remind ourselves, to regain back our confidence.

We can do it!!!!!!!

Firstly, I don't agree that we ALL feel inferior to ALL the new arrivals.
If you mean those who buy landed properties, luxury and sports cars.. then I say, "maybe", but I also question where did they get their money from, especially when they pay for all the items in CASH!!

If I look at a pinoy, I don't feel inferior. Heck, my English is way better than practically all of them.
I can switch from Singlish, to British English, and American very easily (I am gifted in linguistics in a way).
I can speak and read Mandarin, Cantonese.. but my Hokkien is not that good.

What other languages do most, if not all pinoys know? English (I beat them), tagalog (who else but their own country-kind knows this language?)

In addition, no pinoy university is listed in any world ranking.. at least mine is.. and NUS is also listed in the world rankings. So, why should Singaporeans (most) feel inferior to them? Yeah, maybe they can dance and sing better.. so what? Are we going to compete with them for singing jobs or dancing jobs?

Pinoys get artiste licences in Japan, but guess what they do in their spare time there? Most prostitute themselves, including the men. Does anyone want to compete with them in Japanfor those kind of jobs?

Next, Indians.. why should we feel inferior to them? Rich ones I have no way to ascertain if they earned their money through proper means and channels.. and if they do possess certain skills, knowledge and abilities that make them top in their fields, do they share? I have never encountered any Indian share.. and amngst most of my Singaporean Indian friends and acquaintances, 70% of them don't share.. they are very careful to protect what they have and know.. not unlike us Chinese in certain ways.. but I'm sure everyone knows that most Indians can't escape from their caste system. Whether in India or Singapore, if they have some authority or power, they will most likely show it off, abuse it even.

But I digress.. I do agree with you on the point of the media not telling the truth. Well, I see that they are owned by the authorities.. and are "paid" not to tell us the truth.. but what the authorities want them to.

So. move onwards.. Change is imminent.. nobody can avoid it!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Those PMETs are obviously being paid more than they're worth. That's why they've been fired. No employer is going to pay someone $10,000 per month if they don't add more than that amount of value to the enterprise.

Suppose I hire a sinkie as an advertising executive and give him the job of selling advertising packages for a website. I pay him $5000 a month. However, month after month, he only brings in $4000 of ad revenue so he's actually costing me $1000 instead of contributing to the bottom line.

So I fire the guy and hire an Indian National or a gen Y youngster for $2500 per month instead. This guy may not even do as well as the older sinkie and he only books $3500 per month of revenue. However, because he is cheaper, he contributes $1000 of profit.

That, in a nutshell, is how a business is run. If I am forced to hire expensive staff, I'll simply move my office somewhere else where such rules do not apply.

PMETs who have been working for a long time should have been planning for retirement along the way. By the time they hit the max pay scale, they shouldn't need jobs anymore. They should be financially independent.

PMETs who have been working for a long time should have been planning for retirement along the way. By the time they hit the max pay scale, they shouldn't need jobs anymore. They should be financially independent

Yes, the above is true.
Nevertheless, there is always somebody that is willing to work with less.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
But why would you want to hire 20 SGreans to do accounting, clerical work, technicians and food technologist jobs when you can also hire foreigners or PRs to do them? You want to set up in SG because of the favourable business environment. If you set up in Johor state, there is no guarantee that you might face a mob or get closed down by the government unexpectedly. There are loopholes in your argument.

As a businessman, you're always balancing risk vs reward. It's the nature of the beast.

I'd be hiring 20 Singaporeans because these would be the ones that I have worked with before and know and trust. There aren't many in that category