Sylvia Chan Thank you PMLee for your 46 years of dedication and commitment and Vision and righteousness and strength and so much more that contributes to allowing us Singaporean to stand tall and proud in every corner, anywhere. You are so cool! Great Sparkly Photo! Our PMLee is artistic too
Former Asst. to Managing Director at Clarins Taiwan
Former PR Executive at The Hour Glass
Former Marketing Manager at Elizabeth Arden
Former Owner and Founder at Grandiose Pte Ltd
Former Lean Six Sigma Black Belt at American Express Bank GmbH, Frankfurt
Lives in Shanghai, China
From Singapore
William Yeo When someone attacks our PM, Singaporeans will rally behind you. An Attack on the PM is an Attack on all Singaporeans. It doesn't matter who the attacker is. You have the people's mandate and Singaporeans will stand behind you.
Lives in Singapore
From Singapore
Loh Tk: PM Lee, i strongly support ur decision that the Oxly home should be retained to remember Spore founding father LKY. It is a future pride for Singaporean to treasure the birth of Spore from 3rd world to present 1st world nation. Keep it for future generation to understand the struggle of LKY & his team & to make it a historical site not only for Sporean, but ppls all over the world about this great man...
Nguyễn Thanh Tùng I am not Singaporean but I trust and respect you from the bottom of my heart . My trust is built via all the things you did / doing for Singapore until now. Just do the right things for Singapore more greater in the world.
Jeremy Monteiro: Dear PM, I'm sorry you have to go through this difficult and stressful period and you have my full support as a citizen on this matter.
This will pass and you, as well as Singapore will emerge stronger.
Stay strong Mr. Lee.
Managing/Creative Director at Showtime Productions Pte Ltd
Musician at Musician
Studied Pianoforte Jazz at London College of Music
Went to St Joseph's Institution
Lives in Singapore
From Singapore
Chris Cheung Mr Lee, sad to say that your brother has no basic human decency. Any decent person with good character won't go against the will of a father especially so when the father has nurtured and supported the son to be at where he is today. He cares only for himself. SINGAPORE under him is not doing well. More citizens are having hard time than before it took over.
oops..slight deviation.
even one I used to admire who once performed at The Montreal Jazz Festival
PM Lee refuses to address siblings’ power abuse allegations, only refers questions on 38 Oxley Road to a 93% PAP-controlled Parliament
Posted on June 20, 2017 by Phillip Ang
I refer to CNA article, “PM Lee apologises to Singaporeans over dispute with siblings; to answer questions in Parliament on 38 Oxley Road”.
The PAP government, with assistance from a PAP-controlled MSM, has continued to frame the issue as one of family dispute to distract Singaporeans from allegations of power abuse by his siblings.
Without addressing the allegations of power abuse, more ordinary citizens like me will lose confidence in PM Lee as he is clearly mishandling the situation.
PM Lee now intends to seek exoneration from a 93% PAP-controlled Parliament, excluding PAP-appointed NMPs, which will further damage Singapore’s reputation. He doesn’t seem to give a hoot about whether foreigners are watching our ‘Korean familee drama’, unfortunately.
By trivialising the issue of alleged power abuse into non existence, PM Lee’s apology appears to be as fake as fake news.
Very we have Vietcong on our shore
All these commenters remind me of a Singaporean I know here in Canada. When asked about who this person supports in the previous election and which party, the reply was 'PAP'. When I asked why, the reply was "Because they brought Singapore from 3rd world to 1st world."
When I shared some key examples of what's wrong with the country in a non-confrontational, even-toned and friendly manner, this person shut down and changed topic.
The irony of it all? This person married a Canadian, moved from Singapore to Canada, and now has a child. Living the good life in Canada and the kid is in elementary school now.
Do you think this person would ever want to move back to Singapore?
This is the type of Singaporeans - the majority of Singaporeans - who are the downfall of the nation because they can only think the way the establishment wants them to think.
All these commenters remind me of a Singaporean I know here in Canada. When asked about who this person supports in the previous election and which party, the reply was 'PAP'. When I asked why, the reply was "Because they brought Singapore from 3rd world to 1st world."