Only 3000/3250000=0.0923% of Singaporean citizens oppose the White Paper with the target of a 6.9m population for Singapore by 2030. My advice to these 3000 retarded traitors who were present at Hong Lim Park yesterday, get the fuck out of my country:oIo: We do not need you and you are easily replaceable by smarter and more hardworking new citizens from China, India, The Philipines etc.
A 6.9m population for Singapore is a must to ensure our perpetual economic growth and the continual supply of cheap labour to the companies here. The Population White Paper has proven PM Lee to be visionary, just like his father the Founding Father of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew. With the PAP and PM Lee at the helm Singaporeans can expect More Good Years of Economic growth.
Dearest PM Lee, please do not be affected by the minority of retarded detractors and traitors who are out to drag Singapore into a Recession. If the need arises, these 3000 fools can be easily overrun by a Tank Company.
You have the support of 99.9077% of Singaporean citizens.