August 5, 2009 11:44 AM PDT
Users start to get final Windows 7 this week
by Ina Fried<choose></choose>
(Credit: Microsoft)
The wait for Windows 7 will soon be over--at least for those in Microsoft's MSDN and TechNet developer programs. Members of those two groups will have access to the new operating system starting on Thursday. Another group--large businesses with volume license deals for Windows--will get access to the code on Friday, while other large businesses will be able to get the software starting September 1.
Consumers and small businesses, meanwhile, will have to wait until the product's official launch on October 22, when the product will start shipping on new computers and hit retail shelves. Microsoft finalized the code for Windows 7 late last month. CNET colleague Seth Rosenblatt's official review of the operating system can be found here, and I've embedded his video review below. Another date worth pointing out is August 20--the last day to download the free "release candidate" version of Windows 7. Although it won't last forever, it's a good way for those with some technical know-how to try out Windows 7 for free.
<object height="280" width="364"></object><dl><dt>Topics:</dt><dd> Windows
</dd></dl> <dl><dt>Tags:</dt><dd> Microsoft,
</dd><dd> Windows 7,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 beta,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 RC,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 release candidate,
</dd><dd> RTM,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 RTM
Full coverage: Windows 7
<!-- /post --> <!-- MAC T 1e.1e.22.23 --><!-- MAC [r20090625-1642-TriggerFix-Mad8-msm-v1-13-10:1.13.10] 2009. --><!-- MAC-AD STATUS: COULD NOT MAP ( _MAPPINGS='NEWS' BRAND='5' SITE='3' SP='174' CNET-PTYPE='00' POS='100' NCAT='10784:13860:B56:1060:' CNET-PARTNER-ID='1' ) TO _RGROUP --><!-- NO AD TEXT: _QUERY_STRING="POSTHTML=%3C%2Fdiv%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E&POS=100&SP=174&PREHTML=%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22infoboardWrap%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22infoboard%22%3E&NCAT=10784%3A13860%3AB56%3A1060%3A" _REQ_NUM="0" --><!-- MAC ad --> <dl class="recentPosts" section="posts"><dt>Recent posts from Beyond Binary</dt><dd> Windows 7 bug likely not a 'showstopper'</dd><dd> Users start to get final Windows 7 this week</dd><dd> Microsoft: No browserless Windows 7 after all</dd><dd> Microsoft prices Windows 7 family pack</dd><dd> Microsoft's Bach on Zune, Natal, and Windows Mobile</dd><dd> Microsoft online head: Search could be hugely profitable</dd><dd> Mundie: The desktop of the future is a room</dd><dd> Ballmer: Windows will get more competition</dd></dl> <dl class="relatedPosts" section="mlt_related"><dt>Related</dt><dd> Windows 7: Moving beyond Vista</dd><dd> Windows 7: A great gaming platform?</dd><dd> Microsoft: No browserless Windows 7 after all</dd><dd> Microsoft finalizes Windows 7</dd><dd> Sinofsky to become Windows division president</dd><dd> Windows 7 RTM reviewed</dd><dd> Windows 7 not soup yet</dd><dd> Windows 7 testers have long path to upgrade</dd></dl>
Users start to get final Windows 7 this week
by Ina Fried<choose></choose>
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(Credit: Microsoft)
The wait for Windows 7 will soon be over--at least for those in Microsoft's MSDN and TechNet developer programs. Members of those two groups will have access to the new operating system starting on Thursday. Another group--large businesses with volume license deals for Windows--will get access to the code on Friday, while other large businesses will be able to get the software starting September 1.
Consumers and small businesses, meanwhile, will have to wait until the product's official launch on October 22, when the product will start shipping on new computers and hit retail shelves. Microsoft finalized the code for Windows 7 late last month. CNET colleague Seth Rosenblatt's official review of the operating system can be found here, and I've embedded his video review below. Another date worth pointing out is August 20--the last day to download the free "release candidate" version of Windows 7. Although it won't last forever, it's a good way for those with some technical know-how to try out Windows 7 for free.
<object height="280" width="364"></object><dl><dt>Topics:</dt><dd> Windows
</dd></dl> <dl><dt>Tags:</dt><dd> Microsoft,
</dd><dd> Windows 7,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 beta,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 RC,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 release candidate,
</dd><dd> RTM,
</dd><dd> Windows 7 RTM
Full coverage: Windows 7
<!-- /post --> <!-- MAC T 1e.1e.22.23 --><!-- MAC [r20090625-1642-TriggerFix-Mad8-msm-v1-13-10:1.13.10] 2009. --><!-- MAC-AD STATUS: COULD NOT MAP ( _MAPPINGS='NEWS' BRAND='5' SITE='3' SP='174' CNET-PTYPE='00' POS='100' NCAT='10784:13860:B56:1060:' CNET-PARTNER-ID='1' ) TO _RGROUP --><!-- NO AD TEXT: _QUERY_STRING="POSTHTML=%3C%2Fdiv%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E&POS=100&SP=174&PREHTML=%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22infoboardWrap%22%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22infoboard%22%3E&NCAT=10784%3A13860%3AB56%3A1060%3A" _REQ_NUM="0" --><!-- MAC ad --> <dl class="recentPosts" section="posts"><dt>Recent posts from Beyond Binary</dt><dd> Windows 7 bug likely not a 'showstopper'</dd><dd> Users start to get final Windows 7 this week</dd><dd> Microsoft: No browserless Windows 7 after all</dd><dd> Microsoft prices Windows 7 family pack</dd><dd> Microsoft's Bach on Zune, Natal, and Windows Mobile</dd><dd> Microsoft online head: Search could be hugely profitable</dd><dd> Mundie: The desktop of the future is a room</dd><dd> Ballmer: Windows will get more competition</dd></dl> <dl class="relatedPosts" section="mlt_related"><dt>Related</dt><dd> Windows 7: Moving beyond Vista</dd><dd> Windows 7: A great gaming platform?</dd><dd> Microsoft: No browserless Windows 7 after all</dd><dd> Microsoft finalizes Windows 7</dd><dd> Sinofsky to become Windows division president</dd><dd> Windows 7 RTM reviewed</dd><dd> Windows 7 not soup yet</dd><dd> Windows 7 testers have long path to upgrade</dd></dl>