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Chitchat Leong Mun Wai embarrasses himself....again

Scrooball (clone)


Speaker Seah Kian Peng reminds MPs not to take their conduct lightly after Leong Mun Wai retracts podcast remarks​

Seah said such "acts of contempt" should not be repeated again.
Khine Zin Htet |
July 02, 2024, 12:56 PM

Speaker Seah Kian Peng addressed Parliament on Jul. 2, reminding Members of Parliament (MPs) not to take parliamentary proceedings lightly.
Seah made the speech in light of Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Leong Mun Wai's remarks in a guest appearance on a local podcast.

Leong had appeared in the May 14 episode of the "Yah Lah But" podcast, where he claimed that he was "one of the last to be called" when host Haresh noted that he was one of the first to put his hands up for questions during parliament sittings.
Seah said the statement was a "gross misrepresentation of the proceedings of parliament", explaining that Leong was often called for supplementary questions and clarifications earlier than other members.
Seah also stated that the statement Leong gave suggests that Leong is "somehow treated differently" from other members and that his clarifications and supplementary questions have been de-prioritized.
"The statement cast aspersions on my fairness and impartiality in calling members," Seah said.

Clarification from Leong​

On Jun. 22, Seah wrote to Leong to ask him for the basis of the statement.
Leong replied that the statement was a "tongue-in-cheek response" and a "lighthearted comment" made at the start of the interview to lighten the mood in the context of a podcast.
Leong also said he had no intentions to cast any aspersion on Seah's impartiality in parliament.
He also posted a clarification on Facebook explaining his remarks.
Through their email exchanges, Leong agreed to retract the statement that he made on the podcast and told the speaker that he was satisfied with the time and opportunities that he was given to ask questions.
Leong also clarified that Seah has on various occasions called him ahead of other members, and confirmed that Seah had not treated him differently from other MPs.

Such acts should not be repeated again​

Seah warned all members of parliament that such "acts of contempt" should not be repeated again, regardless of a member's intentions.
Seah explained that the proceedings of Parliament and the conduct of members are not matters that should be taken lightly and cannot be made in jest.
"At the heart of it all, the issue is more than a collection of rules. It really is about the proper functioning of our democratic system of government," Seah said.

"As a Speaker of Parliament, it is my duty to protect their trust by upholding the rules of Parliament, by being fair and impartial in the conduct of my duties and by maintaining decorum in parliament. I trust that all members will also play their part in upholding the rules of Parliament."

What happened​

Leong appeared in the May 14 episode of the "Yah Lah But" podcast.
Near the beginning of the episode, host Haresh said, "I mean, at least for [the debates] that we were there, whenever the Speaker says, okay, any questions, you're one of the first to put your hands up."
After chuckling for a while, Leong responded, "And one of the last to be called."
He later clarified that the remark he made was not intended to cast aspersions on the impartiality of the Speaker.
Instead, his remark was intended to be a "tongue-in-cheek" and "light-hearted" comment, Leong said in a Facebook post on Jun. 25, 2024.


Scrooball (clone)

Mr Leong is always tongue in cheek, but foot in mouth. While I appreciate the hustle of asking questions to stir the hornet's nest, it needs to be done in a tactical way. He just reminds me of a typical baby boomer who embarrasses his family during gatherings.


If studied at RI, London Business School, Overseas merit scholar, Sloan fellow, worked in GIC, Merill lynch, MD OCBC still does not equates to high intelligence in your definition, what is your intelligence compared to him? Pray tell.
Are these good schools?


I like Leong's brand of humor, especially when he referred to himself as "sia suay". I would say his presence lights up an otherwise boring Parliamentary session. He may be lacking in the language department but his questions are pointed and relevant. Most importantly, he has the balls to stand up against the rich and mighty in Parliament, and he takes his parliamentary duty seriously, unlike some of his snoozing white colleagues in Parliament. To me, Leong Mun Wai 牛逼了!



I like Leong's brand of humor, especially when he referred to himself as "sia suay". I would say his presence lights up an otherwise boring Parliamentary session. He may be lacking in the language department but his questions are pointed and relevant. Most importantly, he has the balls to stand up against the rich and mighty in Parliament, and he takes his parliamentary duty seriously, unlike some of his snoozing white colleagues in Parliament. To me, Leong Mun Wai 牛逼了!

He is a maverick.:tongue:


I like Leong's brand of humor, especially when he referred to himself as "sia suay". I would say his presence lights up an otherwise boring Parliamentary session. He may be lacking in the language department but his questions are pointed and relevant. Most importantly, he has the balls to stand up against the rich and mighty in Parliament, and he takes his parliamentary duty seriously, unlike some of his snoozing white colleagues in Parliament. To me, Leong Mun Wai 牛逼了!


我只会 KNNBCCB :biggrin:


Can our esteemed MPees $16k a month high flyers pls dun tok cock or act cock in public? This includes that bitch aka Kate Spade Tin. NCMP is a bad idea