Re: LF advice needed
Should be around 2.4 million.
May I know how much did u pay for it? :p
Should be around 2.4 million.
May I know how much did u pay for it? :p
Hi all responding to price re BC bungalow. The one I got with built in around 5,500+ sq ft n land size 6200+ sq ft is 3m ringgit. The price range for bungalows start from 2.4m but the smaller units almost sold out last week except for a couple under 3m but not type A1 n not facing creek n also a little bit odd shaped.
BTW I actually didn't see floor plan. I only know that d bungalow show unit is Type A. Does anyone know Wats the diff of Type A, B and C?
Should be type a1.
Anyone know the house no. for bayou creek yet?
Now only plot numbers. Most likely the house number will be the same.
I managed to get Type A bungalow though I honestly don't even have the floor plan and not sure how it differs with the other types. Anyone can shed light?
Funny..was told that authority will not use back the plot no...
Hi FANOFLF, the bungalow showhouse is type A1 so your house should be type A1 judging RM3m.
Type A is very similar to type A1 but smaller b/u. Type B is the other showhouse. Basically is
different layout. Went to LF today, was told left 7 bungalows: 1 A1, 1 A4(longest), 4 B and 1 C(odd shape)
Hi all, am new here. I am planning to move my family to LF in a few weeks time. Anyone have a good recommendataion of mover that can email me at ? Thanks a lot.
Hi everyone,
Can anyone advise on the internet speed there as I will be doing deriavatives trading from home? Is it comparable to Sin?
Thxs in advance.