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Chitchat Leetirement formations 4-4-2 3-2-2-3


Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN my uncle formation shall be
$400k cash $400k cpf oa+sa $200k ra

What is your formation? KNN

Formation may change to $0.00 cash; $0.00 OA; $0.00 SA ...upon meeting her. :frown::biggrin:


Super Moderator
Staff member

My uncle got eight hectares land in Punjab.
A herd of cows, goats and chickens.
Chickens are freshly slaughtered for Tandoori chicken heehee.
We dont buy chilled or frozen chickens.

My Papa got textile biz in Bangkok.
His net worth also quite solid.
Estimated seven digits figure.
But, we remain humble~No car, No Rolex, etc.
Lived thriftily in 4-room Pigeon hole.
Take bus and MRT.

Me~In near future, Tandoori chicken restaurant,
in Bangkok, not Sgp~everything too heavy duty here.
Later, in Taiwan.

Remember, you are already my FIRST customer.
On the house for first three visits.:biggrin:
Thank you Justone.

Yum yum.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Anyone can explain what are the benefits of putting more money in SA? Other than the 4% interest rate and that it can be used for investment?


Non financial savvy uncle's financial mgt awareness conclusion bumpz

1. Don't have to be a shrimper to have 1mil before age 55 even you belongs to bottom income earner so long you live wiselee KNN

2. My uncle still can bet soccer and horse upto $200 per bet means not necessary gamblers are losers i.e betting can let you have bit of monthly expense if you are not greedy and bet wiselee KNN
Leefer to my uncle's guide on wise betting

3. Not necessary must have investment to achieve 1mil before 55 yo KNN

4. Do not blindly give money to other people i.e insurance agent property agent investment agent etc KNN

Note : ALL points are very important for final success KNN missing out in any point can turn success to failure KNN for pt4 just ask yourself this - Why would you want to give other people money when you can do it yourself? KNN for investment why would you give money to other people and ownself facing the risk KNN
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