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Lee Kuan Yew: National Service is now widely ‘accepted’ by Singaporeans

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
at the most they only suggested NS duration be shortened....go figure lah instead of just blindly following the herd in sbf.[/QUOTE]

The national debate is not how you spend your military money but how much you should spend. Even if you do away with NS, you can still have a professional military comprising Singaporeans, except they are not on conscription. There is a difference in the conduct and passion of a professional soldier from that of a NSman.
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I'm Lovin' It

See the big picture, my friend, the big picture.

If there is no NS, we will be getting the Ah Tiongs and Banglas to defend our families, wealth and country for us - not just those from Nepal!

The big pitcher is that if I'm paid by the millions for a year, I will say, "Please tekan me, corporal ! I'm Lovin' It !"

One year, one lambo or ferrari !



Super Moderator
See the big picture, my friend, the big picture.

If there is no NS, we will be getting the Ah Tiongs and Banglas to defend our families, wealth and country for us - not just those from Nepal!

so you agree that the old man is sprouting bullshit then :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


The PAP form of government would never succeed in any modern Western country.

This would be the fate of Kuan Yew if he were the King of France:


Westerners do not subscribe to the 敬老尊賢 nonsense of useless Sinkies. This is why they are richer and freer than useless Singaporeans without having to spend their whole lives giving blowjobs at the work place. :rolleyes:


Hitler's 'Wise' Word

so you agree that the old man is sprouting bullshit then :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

No, we are all immune to his tricks and lies. But, the old folks is a different lot. Even you have evidence against PAP or Lee, they will still be happy to vork for them. You go and figure out why. Even some Taiwanese also Tak Boleh Tahan us - very stubborn and stupid lot of people.


The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is repeated again and again.

The bigger/more blatant a lie, the more people will believe it.

KNN these old farts (old women at Hougang) loved LHL so much by putting their thumbs up openly. Even LHL himself 'tak boleh tahan' them - I could see it from his facial expression.


I guess what the Old Fart meant is that people no longer grumble at being enlisted or served notice for reservists training. They will just comply without questioning. I think what Old Fart is trying to say this because in the past there were protests and made an election issue by opposition.

While that may be true, something worse has emerged actually. S'poreans serving in the army be it NS or reservists now no longer know what they are defending for. S'poreans no longer has any sense of belonging to this country where PAP policies all favor foreigners over them. What is there to defend when everything in S'pore is being increasingly taken over by foreigners be it physical space or infrastructure and yet they need not serve the army. At the same time, this country no longer holds a future for them as only the wealthy and elites are looked after by the govt. Prices of housing and cars are way beyond their reach and inflation has been rocketing. So the Old Fart is indeed out of touch with ground reality. Yes, our young men may enter NS or called up for reservist without a word of protest, but their hearts are no longer there because you are defending a country that belongs less and less to its citizens and more and more to foreigners instead. LKY is once again clueless of the real situation and people can still say his mind is still sharp. He's sharp only as far as the past is concerned because it is where he's still living in.


Super Moderator
Re: Hitler's 'Wise' Word

KNN these old farts (old women at Hougang) loved LHL so much by putting their thumbs up openly. Even LHL himself 'tak boleh tahan' them - I could see it from his facial expression.

rather astute observation, bro
but me suspect the PAP wouldn't be able to sweep all the auntie votes :smile::smile::smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
And that is one of the government's greatest fears, i.e. YOUNG Singaporean men suddenly becoming so brave and unafraid of the government, and remaining CONSISTENT in their bravery against the government.

Which is why the government is spending, and has always been spending, so much time and money and energy in trying to brainwash/bribe/bully young male children via their parents and schoolteachers until their late teens, so as to ensure that most, if not all, young Singaporean men always grow up in FEAR of the government, and REMAIN fearful for the rest of their lives since they've already been brought up since young to have the habit of fearing the government and their parents and schoolteachers, and as the saying goes, "old habits die hard".

Essentially, the Government of Singapore has simply been LUCKY to inherit a bunch of "kiasee" Singaporean Chinese human beings since Singapore's independence in 1965.

The PAP form of government would never succeed in any modern Western country.

Bro pls be more discerning. FYI sg doesn't just consist of chinese. The minorities are just as responsible for putting PAP in power. Also if what you mentioned on the PAP is true then it's not a racial issue at all. Anyone regardless of race if brought up in PAP type of environment would be kiasee. The way you are writing it it's like cos of the majority chinese here brought up to be kiasee by the PAP has managed to keep pap in power while if let's say the majority race here was ang moh or malay or indian etc and brought up in a pap environment of all of sudden they wouldn't be kiasee? :rolleyes:

Being kiasu and kiasee isn't genetic ok.


So the Old Fart is indeed out of touch with ground reality...LKY is once again clueless of the real situation and people can still say his mind is still sharp.
Firstly, I'd like to assure you that I'm also no big fan of LKY.

But has it ever occurred to you that there is "more than meets the eye" or that "things are not always what they seem"?

LKY, and many of his cronies, could be highly aware of the "ground reality", but simply don't care about the plight of those who are suffering!
But because of their addiction to their art of hypocrisy, which has so successfully kept them in power for so long, they usually PRETEND to care, so as to increase their chances of winning every election; otherwise, if they blatantly show that they don't care at all, they would easily lose substantially more votes at every new election; at least if they PRETEND to care, there's a chance that a substantial number of IGNORANT people might still get DECEIVED/BRAINWASHED and vote for them.

Being so CUNNING is what makes them so EVIL, in my opinion.

I would rather not underestimate their intelligence and awareness of reality, because that would be letting my guard down.


Bro pls be more discerning. FYI sg doesn't just consist of chinese.
Please forgive me if I've caused any misunderstanding; it was not my intention, and it didn't occur to me, at the time of my post, that anyone could have misunderstood me.

Anyway, please allow me to clarify what I meant when I said:

"Essentially, the Government of Singapore has simply been LUCKY to inherit a bunch of "kiasee" Singaporean Chinese human beings since Singapore's independence in 1965."

I simply meant that the Chinese majority in Singapore, since Singapore's independence in 1965, have been PRIMARILY responsible for putting PAP in power; I did NOT mean that they were the ONLY ones responsible, because obviously, some members of the minority races have also voted for the PAP.

The minorities are just as responsible for putting PAP in power.
But this is where I'm afraid I have to disagree with you.
I'm honestly unable to understand how the minority races in Singapore are "just as" responsible as the Chinese for putting PAP into power.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I dare say that in many constituencies, since 1965, even if all the Indian and Malay votes for the PAP were NOT counted, the PAP would still have won those constituencies; am I mistaken?

Also if what you mentioned on the PAP is true then it's not a racial issue at all. Anyone regardless of race if brought up in PAP type of environment would be kiasee. The way you are writing it it's like cos of the majority chinese here brought up to be kiasee by the PAP has managed to keep pap in power while if let's say the majority race here was ang moh or malay or indian etc and brought up in a pap environment of all of sudden they wouldn't be kiasee? :rolleyes:
Once again, sorry if I've caused any misunderstanding.

But I thought I was very clear when I used the phrase, "LUCKY to inherit"?
What I meant was that the PAP could, and still can, EASILY bully its Chinese citizens (who were/are the overwhelming majority race among all the CITIZENS) in Singapore because of the bad habit of most Chinese people in Singapore to be "kiasee" in the FIRST place, BEFORE anyone even begins to bully them!

And when I said:

"The PAP form of government would never succeed in any modern Western country."

I simply meant that if a Western government, say the British, were to behave like the PAP government towards British citizens in Britain, that British government would not succeed in Britain because it would be overthrown sooner rather than later, or at least there would be a much higher chance for it to be overthrown in Britain than for the PAP to be overthrown in Singapore.

I did not mean PAP being overthrown if Westerners were the majority race in SINGAPORE.

But in fact, if White Caucasians (and I mean those with Anglo-Saxon ancestry, especially the British) were the majority race (directly replacing the 70+% Chinese) in Singapore, the majority race in the Singapore government would also be White Caucasian, and the name of the ruling party would probably not be "People's Action Party", not to mention the fact that such White Caucasian Cabinet Ministers and high-ranking Civil Servants would probably behave in a MUCH different way towards the 70+% White Caucasian citizens in Singapore.

So in the first place, a so-called "pap environment" would not even exist if the majority race in Singapore has been White Caucasian since 1965 or since after World War 2 ended in 1945.

Being kiasu and kiasee isn't genetic ok.
I totally agree.
There are "kiasu" and "kiasee" people in every race in the world.

But it just so happens that most East Asians, especially Chinese (and even more especially southern Chinese from China, who are the ancestors of Southeast Asian Chinese, such as Singaporeans), are more obviously "kiasee" than other East Asian races.

It's not caused by genes, but being "kiasee" and "kiasu" just happen to be two of the main aspects of Chinese culture in East Asia, which has been deep-rooted for the past, say, few thousand years?
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Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Replaced "NS" with "FT policy" and voila! I'm sure this will be used in the near future....

Lee Kuan Yew: FT Policy is now widely ‘accepted’ by Singaporeans

Since compulsory Foreign Talent (FT) Policy was introduced in Singapore in 2003, it is now widely ‘accepted’ by Singaporeans, proclaimed former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

Speaking at a forum for top ministers, Mr Lee said that as a small country, Singapore needs a strong birth rate to ensure its continued survival.

“Without a strong birth rate, there is no economic future and there is no security,”
he said.

Mr Lee added that FT policy is also now widely ‘accepted’ by Singaporeans which was achieved because the government was prepared to spend on integration needs over many years.

He also warned that Singapore’s shrinking population will have an impact on its security in the future.

“The serious problem of a shrinking demography will impact not only Singapore’s economic future but also its security,”
he quipped.

The dialogue, with the theme “Security Challenges for Singapore”, was also attended by Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen and President Tony Tan Keng Yam.

All Singaporean born males have to serve 2 years of NS followed by many more years of reservist service. In contrast, new male citizens and PRs are exempted from NS which has become a sore point of contention among many Singaporeans in recent years.