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Lee Hsien Yang making the first chess move by selling his house


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
As has been reported in the media, Yang has sold his home on Caldecott Hill for a nice tidy sum of over $20 million. First, its a good time to sell, as class A bungalows are very hot now. And he is really selling at the peak. Secondly, it gives him time to shield his money and move it out of the country if needed.

He is doing this to prepare for the mother of all battles in 2023. 2 years from now, the bitch Humplimah's term will end as president. Its a no brainer that Whore Jinx will move run for election for the elected president. She has already made her moves by leaving the Stomachsick CEO job. Yang and most of the oppo know that is the upcoming game. Tan Cheng Bock was cheated out of running for the last Presidency because the Pigs Are Pigs changed the law so that a malay could only qualify. This time around, Gay Loong and Whore Jinx were counting on the fact that TCB will be too old when the next presidential election comes along. He will be 83 by then. Gay Loong knows that TCB presents the biggest challenge to his sweetheart the Whore Jinx.

But what they did not count on is the fact that Yang joined TCB's party, but smartly did not run as an MP and mostly now, just keeping his mouth shut. This way, he avoids any fake lawsuits against him and keeps his name clean for the elections. He is rich enough where they cannot sue and bankrupt him so that he cannot qualify. But keeping a low profile thus far is a smart move. When the time comes, it will be Yang VS the Whore Jinx. Jinx is a vindictive bitch and will try to fuck up Yang before the election. Hence better to hide the money first. But Suet Fern is also a vindictive bitch and she will remember how they went after her son. Its game on.

In a straight fight, Yang will defeat Jinx and be the next President. Here, he will do the most damage and sarbo the PAP no end. He can fuck them up worse then 50 oppo MPs. Just refusing to sign PAP passed bills will fuck them up good. THis is the game plan and best chance sinkies have to slow the rampaging PAP.


Loong and his manhood wify will be 70 and Yang also old fart... they may consider age matter no over age 65...


It is still my take that FICA is the tool that will be used against him. Right now my guess is he is moving, or rather, investing all his assets overseas so that it remains out of reach of Shan.

All opposition MPs must learn this lesson and learn quickly and do the same. Remember that FICA has no provisions for an open court trial. Once that snake Shan decides, its final.


Heard next Presidential Election only for persons from another minority group.
Yes... must be chup cheng as no chup cheng president since Benjamin Sheares. Except one thing. The chup cheng are not classified as part of the 4 major races. So how to play the the race card on this?


Maybe Jinx will be struck by lightning, killed by Covid, tio breast and cb cancer, gangraped and killed with an iron rod before she can be president?


he's going to dessert his country liao!

he knows he will be investigated under fica, arrested by his brother under isa and have his $$ confiscated/frozen very soon


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes... must be chup cheng as no chup cheng president since Benjamin Sheares. Except one thing. The chup cheng are not classified as part of the 4 major races. So how to play the the race card on this?
by abcde rotation, it’s supposed to be chap cheng. but who knows when dowager decides?


by abcde rotation, it’s supposed to be chap cheng. but who knows when dowager decides?
Ok just my 2 cents. I don't think the jinx will b standing for erection. Most likely she will be made chairman of the presidential advisers n tummy sick chairman. These 2 appointed positions can control the presidency n its more subtle way to control things. If one becomes president. One becomes a target. Look at the presidency n b4 n the jokes about KFC n Hainima. But no one kpkb the powers behind the scene..


Super Moderator
Staff member
As has been reported in the media, Yang has sold his home on Caldecott Hill for a nice tidy sum of over $20 million. First, its a good time to sell, as class A bungalows are very hot now. And he is really selling at the peak. Secondly, it gives him time to shield his money and move it out of the country if needed.

He is doing this to prepare for the mother of all battles in 2023. 2 years from now, the bitch Humplimah's term will end as president. Its a no brainer that Whore Jinx will move run for election for the elected president. She has already made her moves by leaving the Stomachsick CEO job. Yang and most of the oppo know that is the upcoming game. Tan Cheng Bock was cheated out of running for the last Presidency because the Pigs Are Pigs changed the law so that a malay could only qualify. This time around, Gay Loong and Whore Jinx were counting on the fact that TCB will be too old when the next presidential election comes along. He will be 83 by then. Gay Loong knows that TCB presents the biggest challenge to his sweetheart the Whore Jinx.

But what they did not count on is the fact that Yang joined TCB's party, but smartly did not run as an MP and mostly now, just keeping his mouth shut. This way, he avoids any fake lawsuits against him and keeps his name clean for the elections. He is rich enough where they cannot sue and bankrupt him so that he cannot qualify. But keeping a low profile thus far is a smart move. When the time comes, it will be Yang VS the Whore Jinx. Jinx is a vindictive bitch and will try to fuck up Yang before the election. Hence better to hide the money first. But Suet Fern is also a vindictive bitch and she will remember how they went after her son. Its game on.

In a straight fight, Yang will defeat Jinx and be the next President. Here, he will do the most damage and sarbo the PAP no end. He can fuck them up worse then 50 oppo MPs. Just refusing to sign PAP passed bills will fuck them up good. THis is the game plan and best chance sinkies have to slow the rampaging PAP.
It will be interesting.

But so far history points towards the PAP changing the rules somehow such that the people they do not want running for EP do not qualify.

In my mind it is unlikely they will risk letting LHY run. It is more a case of how they do rather than if.


I would love to have Ho's performance as CEO come under micro scrutiny should she run from president.

this type of fucked up mediocre person also wants run. she is only good at giving away our CPF money via Temasick foundation. KNN our CPF interest rate so low already, still want to give our money away.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes... must be chup cheng as no chup cheng president since Benjamin Sheares. Except one thing. The chup cheng are not classified as part of the 4 major races. So how to play the the race card on this?
Which are 4 major race?
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Staff member
I believe that there are three major races.
Other is not

Parliament: 2017 presidential election will be reserved for Malay candidates, says PM Lee​

1 of 2

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong speaking in Parliament on the elected presidency.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong speaking in Parliament on the elected presidency. PHOTO: VIDEO SCREENGRAB

Charissa Yong
US Correspondent
    NOV 8, 2016, 10:08 PM

SINGAPORE - The next presidential election, due in 2017, will be reserved for candidates from the Malay community.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, announcing this in Parliament on Tuesday (Nov 8), said: "That means if a qualified Malay candidate steps up to run, Singapore will have a Malay president again... this would be our first after more than 46 years, since our first president Encik Yusof Ishak."
Having reserved elections is one of the proposed changes to the elected presidency being debated in Parliament this week. It is meant to ensure that minority presidents are elected from time to time.

Under the constitutional change proposed, an election will be reserved for a particular racial group if no one from that group has been president for five continuous terms. Candidates running in these reserved elections will have to meet the same criteria as those running in open elections.
There have been questions on when the first reserved election would be, as it was previously unclear which past president the Government would begin counting the period of five continuous terms from.
Mr Lee said the Constitutional Amendment Bill stated that the Government should legislate on this point, adding that it has received advice from the Attorney-General.

He said the Government will start counting the five continuous terms from the term of President Wee Kim Wee, who was the first president to be vested with the powers of the elected president. Mr Wee was in office when the elected presidency came into effect in 1991.
Parliamentary Debate on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill

Since then, there have been five presidential terms with the elected presidents in office: Mr Wee, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, Mr S R Nathan who was in the office for two terms, and the current term of President Tony Tan Keng Yam.
Mr Lee also said the racial group of each of the elected presidents will have to be defined for the purposes of the Act, with Mr Wee, Mr Ong and Dr Tan considered Chinese, and Mr Nathan considered Indian.
In effect, this means there has been no Malay president for five continuous terms. Hence the provision to reserve an election for candidates from the Malay community will be triggered for the next presidential election, due next year.

President Tony Tan will not be standing in the next presidential election in 2017.


President Tony Tan says he will not be standing in 2017 presidential election reserved for Malay candidates

Whether to ensure people from different races can and do indeed become president is the most difficult question in the current debate on the elected presidency, "because it goes right to the core of our fundamental belief in a multiracial society", said Mr Lee.
"Every citizen, Chinese, Malay, Indian, or some other race, should know that someone of his community can become president, and in fact from time to time, does become president."

Race is a very live consideration, with real world implications, he said, noting that Singapore's ethnic groups are always subject to different external pulls and influences.
And racial harmony in Singapore can be affected by developments in other countries, he added, citing as examples the rise of China, the issue of race and religion for Singapore's closest neighbours, as well as the threat of a terror attack here.
Surveys also show at least a significant minority of Singaporeans consider race as a factor when they vote, which means minority candidates are at a disadvantage in an election.


(Clockwise from top left) Madam Halimah Yacob, Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, Mr Bahren Shaari and Mr Mohamed Salleh Marican are some of the prominent names floated as potential candidates.

Presidential Election 2017: Prominent names floated as potential candidates

Mr Mohamed Salleh Marican, CEO of Second Chance Properties (SCP).

Presidential election process begins; businessman Mohamed Salleh hopes to stand

The President's chair, flanked by the State flag and the Presidential flag at the Istana.

Application for reserved presidential election opens

A session of the Singapore Parliament held on Jan 2016.

Parliament passes changes to elected presidency

Tan Cheng Bock on his thoughts of the Elected Presidency

Tan Cheng Bock disappointed but will keep contributing despite not being able to stand in next presidential election

Ms Joan Pereira, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, speaking at an event at Bukit Merah View on Feb 7, 2016.

Changes to elected presidency: MP Joan Pereira suggests reserving election for Eurasians

Mr Masagos said the Malay community has expressed support for the changes at town hall dialogues.

Changes to elected presidency: Changes help build inclusive society, says Masagos


The debate is over, but we need to keep talking about race

The elected presidency is not a perfect system but the changes to it are the best way of safeguarding Singapore's assets, said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean.

Changes to elected presidency arrived at after months of open dialogue

NCMP Leon Perera (centre) questioned why an unelected CPA was vested with so much power.

Changes to elected presidency: WP misunderstood role of Council of Presidential Advisers, says DPM Teo

Mr Masagos said the Malay community has expressed support for the changes at town hall dialogues.

Changes to elected presidency: Changes help build inclusive society, says Masagos

Mr Shanmugam described as cynical the WP's view that

WP's senate idea flawed, unworkable: Shanmugam

Ms Joan Pereira, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, speaking at an event at Bukit Merah View on Feb 7, 2016.

Changes to elected presidency: MP Joan Pereira suggests reserving election for Eurasians

Workers' Party (WP) MP Sylvia Lim (Aljunied GRC) is an opposition party candidate who became a Non-Constituency MP (NCMP).

Only 1 NCMP has ever become MP: Leon Perera


The debate is over, but we need to keep talking about race

This is also the case in countries like the United States, he added.
The current United States election is about globalisation, jobs, insecurity, but race is also front and centre, Mr Lee said, citing how Republican Donald Trump's supporters are overwhelmingly white, lower and middle-income voters who feel threatened by demographic changes happening in America.
Black voters are again overwhelmingly voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton, but with somewhat less enthusiasm than they voted for Mr Barack Obama.

While practical arrangements must be made to strengthen Singapore's multiracial system, Mr Lee said, Singapore's ideal is to be race-blind.
And as Singapore gets closer to the ideal, and minority candidates are regularly elected as president in open elections, these reserved elections will be needed less and less, he added.
Quoting the pledge he said: "We 'pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion', and we must continue striving towards this goal."


Super Moderator
Staff member
Whether to ensure people from different races can and do indeed become president is the most difficult question in the current debate on the elected presidency, "because it goes right to the core of our fundamental belief in a multiracial society", said Mr Lee.
"Every citizen, Chinese, Malay, Indian, or some other race, should know that someone of his community can become president, and in fact from time to time, does become president."

That's what LHL said.

I am pretty sure the "Other race" group has never had an Elected President in Singapore. So they are way overdue

I will call it now. The next EP for Singapore will be from "other races" group. Ie not chinese not malay not indian.

Sorry LHY. Lol!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Race wise

Christopher D'Souza would qualify.

But are his prior appointments enough to qualify him?


I think need to be full Minister?

The other one that might qualify is Vivian Balakrishnan. Mixed Indian-Chinese. Full Minister.

Although his last name would be too Indian to qualify as "Other race".

Expect to see some promotion for Mr D'Souza?

Or could be someone else lah.

Very high probability wont be a Chinese.