Gd morning everybody,
LBW is just trying to act smart. She thinks she is a PAP MP so she is damn high n mighty. She thinks she is an engineer n so she thinks she is damn great. But WHAT HOW MUCH DOES SHE KNOWS ABOUT TABLE-TENNIS???
This is the stupid and annoying problem of our government. They will put their own people, whether an MP, Perm Sec or General from d SAF to be d director of some public listed companies or head of an organisation like d STTA. But how much does these people know about d type of business that d organisation is doing??
If I am d Chief Coach or d Team Manager, i wl do this - I will go n give her d table-tennis bat n tell her to take over my coachship and to lead Singapore to the Olympic in London in 2012 n to bring home a medal for Singapore! She is STUPID or what???
If I am the PM, i will tell her tis - "kiang teok ho, ng tang gei-kiang". We all know she is clever, but don't act smart! esp in d area where she knows nothing!
Why she just won't take a leaf from d woman who act damn smart n who say it was a peanut issue??? My conclusion is - if ppl like d previous monkey woman and now LBW who think they r damn smart n act without consulting all parties concern b4 she decides anything, then they are the REAL STUPID person!
Come on LBW, if you are reading this - Do spare a tot for those ppl who have given us their best for their feeling. So what if Gao Lin lost because he didnt have a coach wif him at that time? So what if Gao Lin ranked world 12th n lost to a rookie who has no ranking in d world of table-tennis? If he is really good he should be able to over-power his opponent. The fact that he has lost 4-0 shows that he still lacks of something and has to train somemore.
We should thanks the brave Singapore table-tennis team for their effort n sterling perfomance. Even if they didnt win a medal (like Tao Li) they are still our heros. Even a blind person can see that they have given their best fight during the Olympic. So LBW, please shut up n just b a figure-head in d STTA. dun be a smart-aleck. At d end of d day, what d fuck do u know about table-tennis besides playing political games and hide behind d GRC???