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LEAKED email of Dr Alan Chin bashing MOE for promoting homosexuality in schools!!


The below email was written by Josie Lau’s husband, Dr Alan Chin and was forward to quite a number of people in which Dr Chin made a few serious allegations about MOE, namely that MOE has been teaching and promoting homosexuality to JC students.

Without providing any concrete proof to substantiate his claims except for some anecdotal examples, Dr Chin used it as a basis to rally his friends to support the new exco.

As Dr Chin’s email has been circulated around for the past few days and it is not known how many Singaporeans have read it, it is imperative that MOE step forward to clarify matters.

Are there any truth in the allegations contained in Dr Chin’s email?

MOE should conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and give a proper account to the public to stop such allegations from damaging its reputation once and for all.

———-Forwarded message———-
From: Alan Chin <alanchinXXX>
Date: Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Subject: GP in JC1 and pink marraige

Forwarded message

Dear praying parents,

For your immediate attention. Fwding some more info that (prayerfully) can help us see the aggresive and thwarted works of the Evil one thru the well meaning but totally brain-washed old guard of AWARE.

I’m extremely saddened and concerned and I felt compelled to share… just last Monday, my son in ACJC had for his GP lesson the topic on alternative family structure frm MOE. They were given notes for discussion on topic of same- sex marriage and same sex parents with adoption of children to form a family unit, with this new terminology PINK PARENTS.

Students were given a worksheet with questions about what is their idea of a nuclear family unit, what are their views about same -sex parents forming family unit and whether the government in S’pore will legalize gay marriages and whether they are for or against it.

During the lesson, they also watched a documentary of “A look into lifestyles of some same- sex marriage or Pink Parent family.”

Read rest of article here:



Just show the work sheets from MOE to public . Simple as that.

I don think this doc is so stupid to make such a baseless accusation.


I don't believe that the government should step in whenever there is trouble, but not in this case.

A war between the gays and xtains, is coming. Imagine all the used condoms, dildos, crosses and bibles flying over your heads. :biggrin:


So all this while, when the mother of all Thiolibans was talking about parents' letters to MOE, she was referring to a ghost letter written by her own nephew who (co)incidentally is from the same church?


I don't care if the NEW Aware team is christian fundamentalists or religious cult. As long as they are here to stop the growing tide of homosexuality, I as a buddhist, will support them. My Muslim friends will support them.

It is about time. The gays are getter bolder and bolder by the day. Death threats, protests at speakers corners, tirades in forums and press against those who do not share their cause. All these stuffs, and the authorities cannot do any thing. It's about time such a brave group dare to come forward and fight for the silent majority of those who believe in family values.


I don't care if the NEW Aware team is christian fundamentalists or religious cult. As long as they are here to stop the growing tide of homosexuality, I as a buddhist, will support them. My Muslim friends will support them.

It is about time. The gays are getter bolder and bolder by the day. Death threats, protests at speakers corners, tirades in forums and press against those who do not share their cause. All these stuffs, and the authorities cannot do any thing. It's about time such a brave group dare to come forward and fight for the silent majority of those who believe in family values.

And me as a Buddhist will not support the NEW Aware team, for the very reason that Buddhism is about equality and not discrimination. Buddhism is also about removing hatred and harnessing compassion. Buddhism is also about understanding the situation before you even decide because there is karma in every action. What I see here is nothing of the sort. Please don't use Buddhism as your front for your anti-gay activities.

Among all the sayings that Gays are getting bolder and bolder everyday, how many of us really meet Gays on day to day basis other than probably counselors? I am a Sales and Marketing personnel and I am very sure that I am meeting enough people in my work alone to get some statistic. Seriously, there is less than 0.1% of the people I meet are gay. But Zealots against gay are among 10-20% of them.

I have also met with people and discuss on Gay issues. Surprisingly anyone who has a friend who happened to be gay find gay people harmless. I am really interested to know from those opponents of gay what harm exactly have gay people done on them. What threat do the gay people perceived to have? It is really rediculous to say that Gay acceptance means promoting gay movement. because one do not turn gay just because people tell them its all right and they can test it out.

Seriously there are more things in this world that worth our concern, world hunger, abused spouse and children, joblessness, homelessness. Yet people here want to champion anti-gay issue? Come on!


And me as a Buddhist will not support the NEW Aware team, for the very reason that Buddhism is about equality and not discrimination. Buddhism is also about removing hatred and harnessing compassion. Buddhism is also about understanding the situation before you even decide because there is karma in every action. What I see here is nothing of the sort. Please don't use Buddhism as your front for your anti-gay activities.

Among all the sayings that Gays are getting bolder and bolder everyday, how many of us really meet Gays on day to day basis other than probably counselors? I am a Sales and Marketing personnel and I am very sure that I am meeting enough people in my work alone to get some statistic. Seriously, there is less than 0.1% of the people I meet are gay. But Zealots against gay are among 10-20% of them.

I have also met with people and discuss on Gay issues. Surprisingly anyone who has a friend who happened to be gay find gay people harmless. I am really interested to know from those opponents of gay what harm exactly have gay people done on them. What threat do the gay people perceived to have? It is really rediculous to say that Gay acceptance means promoting gay movement. because one do not turn gay just because people tell them its all right and they can test it out.

Seriously there are more things in this world that worth our concern, world hunger, abused spouse and children, joblessness, homelessness. Yet people here want to champion anti-gay issue? Come on!
You fucking gay people ofcourse will speak up for yourself!! Stop spreading your gay agenda!! People like you must be send to Iran! :oIo:


You fucking gay people ofcourse will speak up for yourself!! Stop spreading your gay agenda!! People like you must be send to Iran! :oIo:

Tsk, tsk, just one small test and it reveal your true self, fill so much with hatred, you must have been in hell all the time.

Btw, me gay and spreading gay agenda? *LOL* I am simply stating facts. Oh, yah! The "if you are not with us you are against us" trick, real old. So is that what the Church always teaches you, to only curse and swear at other people? Must have learned it from Jesus, don't you?


And me as a Buddhist will not support the NEW Aware team, for the very reason that Buddhism is about equality and not discrimination. Buddhism is also about removing hatred and harnessing compassion. Buddhism is also about understanding the situation before you even decide because there is karma in every action. What I see here is nothing of the sort. Please don't use Buddhism as your front for your anti-gay activities.

Among all the sayings that Gays are getting bolder and bolder everyday, how many of us really meet Gays on day to day basis other than probably counselors? I am a Sales and Marketing personnel and I am very sure that I am meeting enough people in my work alone to get some statistic. Seriously, there is less than 0.1% of the people I meet are gay. But Zealots against gay are among 10-20% of them.

I have also met with people and discuss on Gay issues. Surprisingly anyone who has a friend who happened to be gay find gay people harmless. I am really interested to know from those opponents of gay what harm exactly have gay people done on them. What threat do the gay people perceived to have? It is really rediculous to say that Gay acceptance means promoting gay movement. because one do not turn gay just because people tell them its all right and they can test it out.

Seriously there are more things in this world that worth our concern, world hunger, abused spouse and children, joblessness, homelessness. Yet people here want to champion anti-gay issue? Come on!
well you are entitled to your own opinion, if you find gay are harmless people by all means let ur children mixed with them..as for me the image of a guy poking another asshole is totally unaceptable, and in buddism there is "ying gou bao ying" you reap what you sow. you like to pok asshole be prepare the consequences of kana aids someday.


Tsk, tsk, just one small test and it reveal your true self, fill so much with hatred, you must have been in hell all the time.

Btw, me gay and spreading gay agenda? *LOL* I am simply stating facts. Oh, yah! The "if you are not with us you are against us" trick, real old. So is that what the Church always teaches you, to only curse and swear at other people? Must have learned it from Jesus, don't you?
FUCK YOU CHEE BYE GAY!! YOU LIKE gay so much, come and suck my dick!:oIo:


i saw on TV a while ago, about paedophiles. they project themselves as harmless, friendly, nice etc or as an authoritative person in order to gain the trust of the intended victims and their family.


well you are entitled to your own opinion, if you find gay are harmless people by all means let ur children mixed with them..as for me the image of a guy poking another asshole is totally unaceptable, and in buddism there is "ying gou bao ying" you reap what you sow. you like to pok asshole be prepare the consequences of kana aids someday.

Wow! Stating facts also got Bao Ying! It shows how well you know Buddhism, let alone trying to use it on others. My advise to you is use it on yourself first. So far I see you have done nothing but to commit Musāvāda, I wonder what kind of Karma will it bring?

Be careful with the way you, go, you might just find your children being more interested in Homosexuality, that would be what I call Karma.


FUCK YOU CHEE BYE GAY!! YOU LIKE gay so much, come and suck my dick!:oIo:

Just can't find your dick! Where? That little sesame seed? Don't have don't come and show off.:oIo::oIo::oIo: <-- Even if you do so, it cannot be found.

Btw, this is what happen when you do it too much with lambs.

Porfirio Rubirosa

29 April 2009
Identity mobilisation - a threat to society

This morning, I received an email from a friend who told me that supporters of the new executive committee (exco) of AWARE are circulating an article that justifies an anti-gay position.

He asked me if I had any article that could rebut the points.

I told him in reply that it would not be worth the trouble. People who adopt a strongly anti-gay opinion are generally not interested in facts. You can feed them with as much information and logic as you have the time for, but they are just not receptive to it. It is important to bear this in mind in order to grasp the big picture as the AWARE controversy comes to a head this weekend.

Laying out facts still important
This is not to say that laying out facts and reason are not important. Most people on this earth are pragmatic and reasonable. They are what we call the "middle ground" who can be convinced with good evidence and rational arguments.

However, most of the time, they are not interested, and it is very hard to make people take an interest in something when they don't see what it has to do with them.

Nonetheless, from time to time, some or more of them will, for their own reasons, be curious, and that's when they will go out to find information. So it's still better to lay out the facts and arguments for secularism, justice and inclusiveness than not to do so.

It will also be interesting to dissect the tactics of the Thio-guard -- the anti-gay side led by Thio Su Mien -– to more clearly see the threat they and their ilk pose to social stability. It is wrong to assume that controversies such as this will be resolved through facts and reason. They will not. The anti-gay side is using a playbook that harks back to a more atavistic time.


Before I recount the key stages in the battle, it is important to be clear what their motive was: to strip AWARE's work of anything that is even remotely gay-tolerant or gay-affirmative. By now, it should be obvious that this impulse springs from the religious aims of Thio Su Mien and her sidekicks to eradicate homosexuality from Singapore society.

Plans A, B and C

They began with stealth. They launched a dawn raid to capture the organisation without saying a thing about what they stood for and why they sought office. For the first two weeks, they avoided the media and any questions about what they're about.

When calls for them to declare their intentions became too loud to ignore, they tried Plan B: give evasive answers. Interviewed on Channel NewsAsia, Josie Lau, the new president, denied there had been any conspiracy, claiming they were individually, coincidentally interested in getting involved only because the old AWARE had "lost its focus" without much elaboration what they meant by that. Asked what AWARE would now do should a lesbian facing discrimination approached them for help, she answered,

"the new Exco will have to take a look at this and see what is the direction we want to take".

--'Today' newspaper, 20 April 2009, AWARE
president says will not step down despite pressure

Public reaction to that television interview was almost uniformly negative. People could see that they were not being forthright, so within less than a week, Plan B was abandoned in favour of Plan C: attack.

Big Bertha [1] was rolled out in the form of Thio Su Mien at a press conference held by the new guard on 23 April 2009. She unashamedly revealed that it had been a conspiracy after all, orchestrated by her. She also demonstrated that indeed, the aim had all along been to purge AWARE of any gay-tolerant content and use AWARE as a vehicle to push her fundamentalist Christian views on homosexuality onto Singapore society.

AWARE – the Association of Women for Action and Research was taken over in late March 2009 by a group of women with extremely conservative Christian beliefs. The key office holders all belong to the same church -- Church of Our Savior. Affiliated with this church is Choices, a group that promotes the hocus-pocus idea of being able to "cure" homosexuality, and Focus on the Family, the Singapore arm of the rabidly anti-gay vanguard of the American religious right.

A fight between supporters of the old guard and the new exco will culminate in an extraordinary general meeting on 2 May 2009.

The Straits Times reported of the press conference:

Dr Thio explained that her concern about the direction that Aware was taking was partly prompted by a letter from a parent who was concerned that the society was promoting a homosexual agenda.

He wrote to the Today newspaper in 2007 to ask why Aware's choice of a movie for a charity show was Spider Lilies, about two lesbians who fall in love.

Dr Thio said she went on to discover that in Aware's comprehensive sexuality education programme, which is taken to schools, homosexuality is regarded as a neutral word, not a negative word.

"I started thinking, 'Hey, parents , you better know what's happening',"' she said.

"I talked to parents. I said: You better do something about this, otherwise your daughter will come back and say, 'Mum, I want to marry my girlfriend.'

"Or your son will say: 'Dad, I want to marry my boyfriend'."


Pointing out that Aware's programme was already in 30 schools, she said: "The suggestion is that in this programme, young girls from 12 to 18 are taught that it's okay to experiment with each other.

"And this is something which should concern parents in Singapore. Are we going to have an entire generation of lesbians?"

-- Straits Times, 24 April 2009, Lawyer's
key role in Aware coup

New exco leaders at the same press conference echoed her allegations:

The new exco said AWARE had become a single purpose organisation overly concerned with promoting lesbianism.

They repeatedly raised examples, like how the old guard had backed a lesbian film screening in 2007 and organised a lesbian-friendly Mother’s Day event in 2006.

-- Channel NewsAsia, 23 April 2009, New exco wants
to bring AWARE back to its "original cause"

The problem with mounting an attack is that one would need enough force to achieve success. Even booming Big Bertha cannot do it alone without infantry. So the same sentences served two purposes: to cast aspersions on their opponent, and to rally the faithful. From the above alone, you can spot them pressing these emotional buttons wherever marked by this little symbol :

There is an invasive homosexual agenda
Parents – be afraid!
Daughter will marry girlfriend
Son will marry boyfriend
Young girls experimenting with each other
Entire generation of lesbians
Promoting lesbianism
It does not matter if these allegations are patently untrue, as the old guard pointed out in their press conference the following evening. Truth is not material. Effect is.

These wild claims are proven bogeymen that can serve to alarm those who might otherwise only be moderately sympathetic to their anti-gay agenda. The hope is that others would be horrified enough to cast in their lot with Thio and company.

Gay marriage

On Tuesday, 28 April 2009, a letter by Josie Lau was published in the Straits Times [2]. It was written in response to Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan's comment that religion should be kept out of petty politics, and that a rainbow coalition is vital for any group here to make meaningful change [3].

This "parent" was no ordinary parent. It was none other than George Lim Heng Chye, a well-known homophobe, who wrote to the press many times displaying his ignorance and bigotry.
He is also a member of the same church as Thio and the exco officer-bearers, i.e.- the Church of Our Savior.

Whitewashing the issue by saying that "Aware is a secular organisation and we welcome women of all races and religions to be members," Lau added,

What about the interests of lesbians or what some call 'sexual orientation' or 'sexuality' rights? It depends on what interest is at stake. For example, we do not think lesbians should be discriminated against in the workplace, either in terms of promotion or pay; like every woman, they deserve equality of opportunity. The only relevant consideration is merit. There is a world of difference between fair employment rights and claims to 'same-sex marriage'.

Porfirio Rubirosa

-- Josie Lau in letter to the Straits Times, published
28 April 2009, What being inclusive means

Psychology professor George Bishop pointed out, in a comment posted on the LGBT email list SiGNeL, that even though the letter comes across as very reasonable, civil and inclusive, it nevertheless employs the same scare tactics.

The next paragraph, however, exposes her tactics. "There is a world of difference between fair employment rights and claims to 'same-sex marriage'." Same-sex marriage? The old guard at AWARE was promoting same sex marriage? Of course, she doesn't claim this directly and if pressed would deny it but it's implied in context.


The tactic is to heighten people's fears about an issue that isn't even on the agenda and scare them out of voting for your opponent.

-- George Bishop in a comment on SiGNeL, 28 April 2009

Mobilising religion

Besides stoking fear to rally like-minded people to one's frontlines, there is also the use of religious affiliation to build solidarity for the political cause.

At multiple sermons on Saturday and Sunday, 25 – 26 April 2009, the Church of Our Saviour lent support to the Thio cause and called upon the faithful to support them. (I have also heard that some other churches did likewise, but have not yet received corroborating reports).

Calling for solidarity, he implored the women in the church to "unite with the sisters and support them." He also said that the new team’s actions are not "a crusade against the people," but instead a move to ensure that the nation does not cross the line drawn by God.

-- The Online Citizen, 27 April 2009, Staff sent out email asking members to vote at Aware EOGM. Link.

Listen to this audio (two and a half minutes) that I got thanks to Wayangparty.com. You will hear a pastor -- I think it's Derek Hong -- lauding what Alan Chin and his wife Josie Lau (the new president of AWARE) are doing. He called for prayer "to lift the family up to the Lord". Many members of the congregation then came forward, placed their hands on Chin and began speaking in tongues, as if possessed.

The tactic was one of getting his flock to participate in a public, demonstrative act of pledging. Done in an environment of community, which a place of worship is, it makes it hard for other members of the congregation to stand back and disassociate themselves from the program. There is the subliminal fear of estrangement from deity and social community should they demur. Social pressure therefore is applied on the whole congregation to stand as one behind the church-endorsed cause.

* * * * *

Identity mobilisation

This is the politics of identity mobilisation. There is no need for facts or reason. Appeals to fear and group belonging are what count. The more exaggerated the threat, the more effective. The more authoritative the calls to group solidarity (e.g. by religious leaders) the better.

A danger to society is posed when identity mobilisation becomes the primary means to settle disputes. In that case, it's really no more than street brawls. Once begun by one side, there is a tendency to become mutually escalating if the other side finds that reason doesn't work and so must resort too to the same tactics. Eventually, the stronger side wins, not the better arguments.

How does one combat this? By reason? By laying out facts? Don't be naïve. If people are of a mind to think through issues, there won't be the spectre of identity mobilisation and mass street brawls in the first place. That this strategy works in cause after cause, tells us that most humans respond to the emotive more than the rational.

If a society wants to be rid of the risk of being torn asunder by identity mobilisation, it has to do something about identity and mobilisation in the first place.

Let me take mobilisation first. It reminds us of a perennial dilemma of free societies. How much freedom do we give to people who would use that freedom to deny others' freedom? How much say do we give to those who would disenfranchise others? At what point should the state step in and say: You cannot say this; you cannot mobilise thus; your ends are incompatible with social peace, freedom and equality?

I think most people will accept that somewhere a line has to be drawn. This AWARE saga should set us thinking long and hard where that line ought to be.

Note how the words "sexual orientation" and "sexuality" were put in quotation marks in Josie Lau's letter when there was really no typographical need to. By doing so, she signalled that she considered these concepts invented, unreal and illegitimate. A figment of other people's imagination.

We should also do something about identity, for identity mobilisation is only effective when identity boundaries are clear. That is why perhaps the best antidote to ethnic tension is simply to get people to mix with others of a different ethnic group at school, at work and in the same neighbourhoods. When fear is understood to be baseless and stereotypes proven to be lies, shrill calls to communal defence by extremists fall on deaf ears.
Ditto with the fear of homosexuality. As more and more straight people get to know gay people, as more and more it is considered just and correct to treat everybody fairly regardless of sexual orientation, the "threat" of homosexuality will be seen as so much fanatical imaginings.

Hence, for the extremist rightwing, the message of tolerance itself is intolerable. Tolerance and neutrality renders impotent the strategy of identity mobilisation.

And that's why you see Thio and gang on the offensive against AWARE's programs. Speaking of homosexual orientation in a neutral, non-judgemental way is considered the same as "promoting homosexuality". If you're not with us, you're against us.

What this means is that, if we don't want to see this kind of identity mobilisation tear society apart over the question of homosexuality, the solution is not to freeze, stand still and move no further forward on the question of gay equality, but the opposite: To move faster. To blur the distinction and value differential between gay and straight. So that scary bogeymen conjured by fanatical minds are not believed but laughed away. And fanatics seen for what they are: the real threat.

© Yawning Bread


Did it all start with the 377A debate?
I suspect it goes all the way back to the parliamentary debate on Section 377A. Thio and company must have been taken aback at how far Singapore society had moved in social acceptance of gay friends, colleagues and family members. Even though the People's Action Party eventually chose to keep Section 377A, Thio and company probably saw that the wind was against them.

When demonising gay people failed to carry the day overwhelmingly in 2007, they probably felt they had to go after the heterosexual people who spread the message of tolerance, acceptance and inclusiveness.


"Big Bertha" was the nickname to the largest siege gun used in the First World War on the German side. The enormous howitzer was used to demolish fortresses and enemy strong points.
Return to where you left off

Straits Times Forum, 28 April 2009, What being inclusive means.
Return to where you left off

Straits Times, 27 April 2009, Keep religion above 'petty politics', says Vivian.
Return to where you left off


You fucking gay people ofcourse will speak up for yourself!! Stop spreading your gay agenda!! People like you must be send to Iran! :oIo:

Uncle, I am a heterosexual and finds gay sex disgusting as well. That does not make me a gay hor. But I support gay rights to non discrimination and irrational reactions like yours.


I don't care if the NEW Aware team is christian fundamentalists or religious cult. As long as they are here to stop the growing tide of homosexuality, I as a buddhist, will support them. My Muslim friends will support them.

It is about time. The gays are getter bolder and bolder by the day. Death threats, protests at speakers corners, tirades in forums and press against those who do not share their cause. All these stuffs, and the authorities cannot do any thing. It's about time such a brave group dare to come forward and fight for the silent majority of those who believe in family values.

Uncle, you do not know much about Buddhism. The Buddha is not against gays. He is against all forms of attachment. Back in the days of the Buddha, there are people who have sex with animals, corpses, people of the same sex and of course, people of different sex as well.

What is the underlying cause of these sexual attraction? Craving, desire and ignorance. The Buddha did not go around asking these people to have "proper sex". He addressed the cause of these craving and advised all to extinguish all desires.

As it is, what is so bold about these gays?

1. death threats. What death threats? These are not proven yet.

2. protests at speakers corners. They are protesting at the law discriminating against them and criminalising them for what they are.

3. tirades in forum. are you referring to the Aware saga? why are people all up in arms when one party accuses the other party of being pro-gay with filmsy evidence and so quick to condemn the good work of secular, heterosexual women over the years.

4. press against them who do not support their cause. what is their cause? please see point 2.

Dun use the bullshit words "family values" to justify suppressing a minority group. Are you sure you are a Buddhist? I had never know Buddhist to talk about "family values", usually we use Buddhist values cos in Buddhism, we have very close relationship with monks and nuns so "family values" quite weird to throw around them.