Singapore must be the only country in the world where there is so much rancour and acrimony developed between the citizens and their leaders ( and cronies) that citizens throw barbs at them and they in turn use the lawsuit to threaten and silence them. Those in power here should be asking what is the root cause for this. Is all this bottled up pent up anger within the chests of the people healthy? Instead of issuing lawyers' letters, which will most probably drive the seething anger and dissatisfaction further into the sub-conscious, leaders ought to be doing a soul-searching and ask themselves whatever has gone wrong. Instead, I sense that leaders sensitive to critics in the social media are getting frustrated and vindictive in getting back at these voices. Thus, netizens who believe rightly or wrongly - in retrospect, wrongly - that they had no need to fear when they exposed their identities now regretted doing so; and those about to believe in the faith of men will have to think again. Is the root cause due to all these years of oppressive political climate, a sycophant press and MSM, caused by the dominance of one party rule? How do we get from here to the future, where we can see more openness, plurality and diversity in the political environment, transparency and accountability? How do we do this without just waiting for every 4 years to vote for alternative choices?The world must regard this ongoing running war of words between the rulers and the ruled to be a comic-tragedy. Are the rulers too thin-skinned and sensitive and heavy with the stick or are the ruled simply a bunch of irresponsible madmen, perceived to be out to destroy the leaders' iron armour?