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Lawrence Wong lao pei die


The death is not linked to vaccination. Did not died from a "vaccine-related severe adverse event".

We urge the public not to spread unsubstantiated information which may add to the family's grief or cause public alarm unnecessarily.

FYI ... the expert committee on Covid-19 vaccination has recommended that people avoid strenuous physical activity for at least a week after receiving either of their mRNA Covid-19 vaccine doses as a precautionary measure.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Now... now is the time to cry... not political theatrics, 装逼 in Parleement. 'Frontline workers' vs your own dad, who is more important? :cool:


He'll get to experience first hand the restrictions for wakes and funerals introduced by his stupid task force.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Look on the bright side. Lau lan wong should be relieved to know his lau pei won't have any chance to kenna Wuhan virus...