"Prof Shamsul Amri says that before Lee makes any statement, he will have given it deep thought as he is not the kind of leader who likes to make popular statements."
Your mischievous title suggests he is there to jiak hong. Obviously you do not know MM Lee - he never travels to any place just for the purpose of jiak hong. He would be mad if he does.
He usually goes to places to guage and size up the mood, the leaders, the people and the places - invalubale experiences which he could share with the leaders and business people - as testified by the learned professor no less.
Look at his itinerary to Peninsular Malaysia carefully. He is visiting Penang, Kelantan, and Perak - places which are controlled by the opposition. And he will come back with insightful tales to tell - not your ordinary I-travel-here-I-visit-there sort of stories!
It will make you feel good to kowtow to a great leader you have.
Maybe he should stay at Johore Bahru Town longer. He always thinks Malaysia is dangerous and unsafe because there were murders, snatch thefts, robberies, and kidnaps there. I wld urge the Malaysians to bring him there to get mugged and stabbed, so Malaysians- no need to bring him back lah.